Date: Sep 27, 2019 12:58 pm Title: How the Virulent Virago Got Vicious...
thanks for update
Date: Sep 27, 2019 6:34 am Title: How the Virulent Virago Got Vicious...
Lol nope V3 you are now surplus to requirements yay for Cynthia. Loved how this chapter was like a tennis match for Michael and Lindsay, every new revelation had their heads spinning lol

Date: Sep 26, 2019 7:55 pm Title: How the Virulent Virago Got Vicious...
Wonderful! Just like the title. Vicious yet foaming. I like how Emmett ripped Lindsay a new one. Also her being bellows by Gus, Justin & Brian.
And Micheal seriously Needs to shut his petulant mouth. He is not one to speak.

Date: Sep 26, 2019 7:49 pm Title: How the Virulent Virago Got Vicious...
Wow, things are piling up fast against Mikey and Linds. Plus Gus gets another sibling.

Date: Sep 26, 2019 5:45 pm Title: How the Virulent Virago Got Vicious...
Michael and Lindsay are the kind of friends the Devil would avoid they only see their wants and needs while everyone else is just pawns to be used and later discard.
Lindsay going to slap Gus isn't surprising he is of no further use to get anymore so he is just another discarded article from her life to inflict pain upon when she can't get her way.
Lindsay like Michael can't stand that Justin and Gus are the most important people in Brian's life and it is hate they feel for both of them despite those pathetic denials that no one was Buying.
Emmett ripped off his pound of flesh but he like everyone else wants to rip Lindsay and Michael apart with his bare hands.
Now that Brian and Justin are Ready to expand their family while also getting married that will make Lindsay and Michael more determined to get rid of Justin.
Though if Lindsay tried to take on Cynthia that will seriously be the last move she ever makes on this earth lol
Thanks For the Update 😃

Date: Sep 26, 2019 5:06 pm Title: How the Virulent Virago Got Vicious...
I loved how Lindsay is taking virtual punches that must hurt so much.
"HOW THE VIRULENT VIRAGO GOT VICIOUS...": what a great title!
This quote from Emmett is hilarious: “Okay, Superslut, where are your manners? Did they fall at the wayside like your morals and your knickers? Or did you go commando every day on the off chance some random cock would hear the squelching siren call of your stinkhole?”

Date: Sep 26, 2019 12:24 pm Title: How the Virulent Virago Got Vicious...
Fantastic chapter. Such wonderufl writing. Love it.