Date: Sep 16, 2019 10:25 am Title: Chapter 8
The situation is getting weirder on every new chapter. What is Justin doing and why is he so distant and secretive? So glad that Cynthia is back. Less worry for Brian.
Author's Response:
We are approaching the climax of the story now, where things should (hopefully) get a lot clearer. As for why Justin is distant and secretive...all of his symptoms are adding up to something... He's sleeping a lot, he's withdrawing, he's having mood swings, he's anxious, he's not interested in things he once was...

Date: Sep 15, 2019 5:10 pm Title: Chapter 8
Oh no another cliffhanger!!!!! Love them, hate them. Usually I get a feeling about where a story is going. But you got me on this one, I have no idea what is going on with Justin which is frustrating me, but not your writing. I keep thinking of things, but nothing makes sense. Goes to show how good your are with a good mystery. Wonderful, amazing writing as always. I will keep thinking & hoping there is a sunshine, happy ending somewhere down the line.
Author's Response:
Ha...I know it's been a lot of cliffhangers, and I think there will be a few more as we approach and start to make our way through the climax of the story. Then those should calm down a little...maybe. ;) But you know me. LOL It's not really intended to be a mystery per se...all of Justin's symptoms are adding up to something...but don't overthink it. There absolutely is a happy ending coming...but the road to get there is gonna be dark. Thanks so much for reading and always reviewing! <3

Date: Sep 15, 2019 2:46 pm Title: Chapter 8
Ahhhhhhhhh!! Cliffhanger!!!
Author's Response:
Hehe... sorry. ;) Sort of. They're kind of necessary for this part of the story, I think. They should calm down in a few chapters, I think.

Date: Sep 15, 2019 2:45 pm Title: Chapter 8
What is Justin up to? Did the show get canceled and he's too ashamed to admit it?
Author's Response:
You're sort of getting there... ;) Keep reading to find out!