Date: Sep 15, 2019 2:58 pm Title: CHAPTER 6
Baby name : Keira Anne
Author's Response:
That's a beautiful name, Cathy. Alas, not correct, but a nice strong Irish name, none-the-less. Thanks for contributing.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Sep 01, 2019 2:26 am Title: CHAPTER 6
I want Brian to go to LA for business Daphne is such a great friend Loving this story
Author's Response:
Hmm, I never thought of a business trip to L.A... I'll have to think on that one. Nice suggestion, though!
Yes, Daphne is the best kind of friend. I hope they have lots of fun in L.A. together!
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Aug 31, 2019 12:48 pm Title: CHAPTER 6
What a great chapter. The pics were great and Justin really looks cute even if he is BIG. So glad that Brian finally told Mikey off. It was about time. Now getting the boys together when they are on opposite coasts should be fun. As for a name, my guess is Victoria Angela since she will be named for Vic and will always be Justin and Brian's angel. Wonderful writing.
Author's Response:
Thank you for all the nice things you said, and I appreciate the name suggest. As far as naming her after Vic, well, Justin never lived with them in this story... so probably never knew Vic real well. And besides, my sister's name was Victoria, named after our father, Victor. A name I always would have preferred to have rather than plain old Cathy. I did have one up on her though. Her name only meaning Victory... whereas mine was Pure. (My mother was apparently delusional.)
But, yes... Brian was rather upset with Mikey, wasn't he? Too bad Daphne and Justin aren't aware of that!
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Aug 30, 2019 10:51 pm Title: CHAPTER 6
Mickey out is the great news of this chapter! Brian almost lost it, but he was able to tell a few facts to his "best friend"; the move to NYC should hurt Michael a lot.
I hope Daphne won't show the picture to anyone.
I know it's an AU story and I shouldn't highlight a technicality, but I'm pretty sure pictures couldn't be sent with a cell phone in 2001, at least those affordable for teens. Brian might be the only one having one in the series.
As for the name, Justin loves Moby, which music style is "Electronica", so I suggest "Electra/Elektra". She will kick Michael's ass when she will be a teenager and maybe she would team up with Rage.
Author's Response:
Yes, the cell phone idea came about with... how fun it would be to send a pic to Daph... I just thought... ah heck, if we can believe Justin is actually having a baby, we can probably believe we could send pics with phones. Although you could send one in the late '90s, the phone was very obsolete looking. All-in-all, it was kind of neat... don't you think?
I do like the name Electra... she was, after all, the daughter of the Greek king, Agamemnon, who's sister-in-law was Helen of Troy. (I've always been fascinated with Greek mythology ever since I studied it in high school... eons ago.) But, the first name is a very strong Irish name... and alas, Electra just wouldn't fit. But I really appreciate you taking the time to think and suggest.
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Aug 30, 2019 4:34 pm Title: CHAPTER 6
The Brian and Mikey Show has been cancelled but Michael won't admit to that I wonder if he had been staking out New York to find Brian and that is why he has been MIA?
Is Brian seeing Gus?
And when is he going to confront Lindsay?
Can't Wait For The Next Chapter
Thanks For the Update w
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading Misty Blue... The next chapter is written... Yep... Brian's off for New York... but not sure I will have Mikey staking out NY... after all, he never said where he would be working.
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Aug 30, 2019 1:45 pm Title: CHAPTER 6
So happy to see another chapter of this story. Glad that Brian finally tossed Mikey out, but can't help but wonder what he's up to. Great job.
Author's Response:
I was really hoping Mikey would have opened his mouth just ONE more time... so that door would have gotten opened.
But, alas, we couldn't have Brian getting in trouble.
Thanks for everything, Phyllis,
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Aug 30, 2019 8:09 am Title: CHAPTER 6
Great chapter I loved that Michael got found out and Brian at last saw that he was being played by Lindsay and amichael. I wonder how much time Brian has had for Gus if he is now in New York? I tried to think of a girls name but I am hopeless lol
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading! Yes, whatever will Mikey do now? He and Lindsay aren't going to know what hit them when the time comes!
As far as Gus... well, hopefully, that situation rectifies when Lindsay and Mikey are found out.
HUGS ~Cathy