Date: Jul 27, 2021 3:41 pm Title: Chapter 3
Oh, Justin, you're making our boy worry so much about you. What is happening :(

Date: Jul 27, 2021 3:41 pm Title: Chapter 3
Oh, Justin, you're making our boy worry so much about you. What is happening :(

Date: Aug 31, 2019 8:47 pm Title: Chapter 3
Justin situation is really worrying.
Michael is showing a mature thinking, which is always refreshing. Great job!
Author's Response:
Thanks! I love writing a more mature Michael who is a supportive friend...and I would hope that at 48, he and Brian have both settled into that role for good. ;)

Date: Aug 28, 2019 1:09 pm Title: Chapter 3
Maybe Brian should make it about him. That would get Justin to worrying about Brian instead of keeping his problem to himself.
Author's Response:
Justin is struggling with a lot of things right now. As was mentioned in this update, there's a shame element here -- Justin is ashamed of how he is feeling and also feels a responsibility for it (though he shouldn't) as well as a need to not burden Brian with it, much as Brian felt after his own accident.

Date: Aug 28, 2019 12:19 am Title: Chapter 3
Great update. We must be getting closer to what is happening to Justin, at least I hope so. It is nice to see that Brian is so totally committed to him. And, for a change, Mikey is not a jerk. Terrific writing.
Author's Response:
The pieces are falling into place, though Brian is still focusing on all the wrong things. Michael won't be a jerk in any of my stories anytime soon. ;) I like the character and I enjoy the brotherly relationship he and Brian have, and that's what I like to play up when I write. Glad you enjoyed! <3