Date: Nov 26, 2021 6:23 am Title: Chapter 1
I loved the alternative version, as it added a lot more dialogue as well as added to Brian and Justin's reunion!!
Date: Aug 14, 2021 3:04 pm Title: Chapter 1
This was great!! An extended shot of what happened on the show, but I would have liked to have seen this version play out; a lot more continuation of Brian trying to tell Justin how he feels...
Author's Response:
Thank you, Sarah! :) I'm so very glad you liked this fix-it (which may be my favorite of my three one-shot fix-its). There was so much potential for this kind of communication in the show, but it almost never panned out - and only to a small extent when the boys did talk. Neither of them was all that good at being honest without being either hurtful or evasive :( Thank goodness for fanfiction!
~ Karynn, aka eureka1

Date: Apr 27, 2020 12:19 am Title: Chapter 1
Kneepit. Yes,I checked. Tee hee.
Author's Response:
Of course you did! :D Maybe you can use it in a crossword or a Scrabble game someday. :D
Thanks for commenting. :)
~ Karynn
Date: Nov 09, 2019 5:12 am Title: Chapter 1
Not bad
Author's Response:
Um, I'll take that as Kinney-speak, which is high praise indeed. :)
~ Karynn (aka eureka1)

Date: Aug 31, 2019 8:25 am Title: Chapter 1
Justin said once to Brian, "Being mean to me, never worked for you." But It did after his bashing.
Not fan of *ZM scene. True, Brian is good in fucks & fuck ups as well.
I like how you bring out Brian's emotions, regreting Justin being hurt again.
Don't like Justin being accused, when It was little things like this that led to breakup, (Justin was already having identity crisis, post-bashing. Momma boy Michel opening his petulant mouth didn't help too. Brian & others are equally at fault.)
Love "The Key" moment (in Qaf something like this should happen for Justin to be comforted) Dr. Wilder in 2×2 said, Justin will be like walking dead until he remebered prom.
Always hoped, Deb to realise how much petulant, clingy Michel is of others. Glad Brian punched him 3×1 when Michel said Justin should been be left dead. Brian should Fart on Michel face rather than kiss in later episodes.
I like it. Brian smile realising, Justin loves him unconditionally. Kudos to your Wonderful writing. Hugs. 😊
Author's Response:
What a lovely, detailed review. :) Thank you, Pushpanjali! :)
Brian was just as messed up after the bashing as Justin, but the only one who considered that he might also have PTSD was Justin. It led Brian to try and fuck his way out of his troubles - standard pain management - but it didn't work nearly as well as usual. I'm made up that you like how I showed Brian's emotions regarding this. He really did fuck up with ZM (thank you - I hadn't thought of using the troll's initials before this :D). Sure, the loft belonged to Brian, but if he wanted Justin there (and we know he did even if Jennnifer dumped her son on him a second time, after initially refusing Brian's efforts to help), he shouldn't have belittled Justin by fucking ZM over the couch in the loft that they shared.
Not only would something like 'the key' moment in canon have helped Justin recover, it would have benefited Brian too. They were both the walking dead, with Brian wearing the bloody scarf like a hair shirt.
A mama's boy is exactly what Michael is. He's never let go of the apron strings (nor did Debbie really want him to). "I didn't mean it like that." Ugh. That trite excuse is like fingernails on a chalkboard.
At first, I was squicked out, thinking about where Michael's face would have to be for Brian to fart on it. But then I started laughing because even passed out stoned (which he would have had to be for Michael to get anywhere near his ass), Brian clearly expressed his opinion of doing 'that' with his 'best friend'. :P
I always enjoy your insights. :) Thanks for sharing them with me.
~ Karynn (aka eureka1)

Date: Aug 31, 2019 2:55 am Title: Chapter 1
Loved this!
Deb L
Author's Response:
Thanks so much for leaving a comment, Deb L. :) I'm thrilled you loved my story.
~ Karynn (aka eureka1)

Date: Aug 26, 2019 9:21 am Title: Chapter 1
A-Mazing! Two of the things that bugged me so much in season 2 was that Brian also broke their deal by kissing Mikey on the mouth, and that everyone barged into the loft all the time with no respect for the fact that Justin lived there too now- this story is exactly how 206 should have gone down, absolutely perfect :)
Author's Response:
Yay! My story merited an 'A-Mazing' rating from you. Thanks so much!
As I mentioned to Cathy (BritinManor) down below: It’s implied when the rules are set up in canon that the 'no kissing' rule only applies to tricks and the attendant one-fuck policy, but it isn't explicity stated. I bet Brian would have included Mikey in the rules if there was some other guy Justin liked to lock lips with.
Everyone barging into the loft was as annoying AF. Of course, if Brian had put his foot down, it almost certainly would have stopped. Instead, when the girls intrude during the spanking scene in 2x13, we get a weak memo to self to remember to lock the door. Aargh!
Thank you for leaving a comment, Azabeth - it's much appreciated. :)
~ Karynn (aka eureka1)

Date: Aug 25, 2019 6:30 pm Title: Chapter 1
Absolutely wonderful. And, HOT, HOT, HOT!!!! A great take on the original idea and much better than the series. Fantastic writing.
Author's Response:
All your lovely compliments have me smiling from ear to ear. :) Thank you!
There has to be steaminess ahead when Brian and Justin are involved, right? The boys are pleased that they merited a triple HOT. :D
Thanks for leaving a comment, Marilynne. Reviews motivate me to keep writing.
~ Karynn (aka eureka1)
Date: Aug 25, 2019 2:44 am Title: Chapter 1
Loved the ending - Brian not running for the hills at Justin's words.
Author's Response:
I'm thrilled you liked the ending, Sandy! :) Brian has realized he can put his trust in Justin - and in his love for him. It doesn't get any better than that for Brian. :)
Thanks for leaving a comment; it's much appreciated.
~ Karynn

Date: Aug 24, 2019 1:51 pm Title: Chapter 1
This story is one of the best things I’ve ever read! It feels like canon, with events rearranged just a bit. Justin does top Brian not long after this in canon, but your version is sooo much better. It’s Brian’s choice (of course he wants Justin to top him sometimes) and Justin takes the time to prep him, instead of using the ‘wham, bam, thank you man’ approach. Btw, I love that description. 😂
I like how Brian and Justin both are more secure in who they are and what they want. I could just see the expression on Brian’s face when Justin said, “I’ve had him.†And then the shy smile of Brian’s when he hands Justin the key. â¤ï¸
Cowlip should have had the sense - and the cojones - to write this!
Author's Response:
Oh, wow! Thanks for the wonderful compliments - and for leaving reviews on two websites. :) I'm honored that you like my story so much. :)
Okay, I'll fess us. I was stuck. I had "wham, bam, thank you ____," and then along came my beta with the three-letter word to polish it off. :D I don't know why I couldn't come up with "man." :D
Maybe Deb could lend CowLip her cojones. They need them even more than Brian!
~ Karynn (aka eureka1)

Date: Aug 24, 2019 10:07 am Title: Chapter 1
Loved Justin having control and Brian loving it
Author's Response:
I'm so glad you liked it! :) Brian has discovered there is a different kind of control to be had in trusting your partner and letting him take charge.
Thanks for leaving a comment!
~ Karynn (aka eureka1)

Date: Aug 24, 2019 8:10 am Title: Chapter 1
Beautiful story. I like how you changed the scene. The key to the loft, the non-kissing Michael are important things for Justin. Bravo I like that!
Author's Response:
I'm so pleased you liked my story, Marie-france, and the alterations I made to some of the scenes in the episode. :) Brian was ready for a change - the quarrel with Justin and the subsequent conversation with Debbie just served as catalysts. He and Michael will always be friends and brothers, but it's Justin who is Brian's lover, and the man that he trusts implicitly. His actions clearly show his love for Justin.
Thanks for reviewing!
~ Karynn

Date: Aug 23, 2019 3:13 pm Title: Chapter 1
Amazing story! I love how Brian is getting Justin back to the loft. The keys were a simple gesture, but with huge implications. It's maybe the most symbolic thing for Justin.
The end is for both of them and also a huge sign for Justin. Very sensual part, showing that Justin is a great considerate and intuitive lover.
Author's Response:
Thank you so much for the compliments, Claire! I'm thrilled that you enjoyed this story so much. :)
You're right; the key is hugely symbolic. Locks of a sort on their door, but without eliminating their free will. And who better to have a key than Brian's lover? It's high time that the transfer was made from Michael's hands to Justin's.
Even the key doesn't demonstrate Brian's trust in Justin as much as letting Justin top him does. He's ready to let himself be loved... which is as it should be.
No matter how eager Justin is to top Brian - and you can bet he was rarin' to go, lol - he'd want Brian to be comfortable, and to show how thoroughly he'd learned his lessons. :D After all, he's gonna want another invitation...
~ Karynn

Date: Aug 23, 2019 2:33 pm Title: Chapter 1
I rated you a ten, but for some reason it went to 0.
Author's Response:
*facepalm* Embarrassingly, it has been so long since I actually left a review on KD that I had to pretend to leave one for myself to figure out what you meant about ratings. :D I see five stars overall, so I'm guessing your rating was recorded correctly.
Thanks for being such a wonderful reviewer!
~ Karynn
Date: Aug 23, 2019 2:32 pm Title: Chapter 1
I love the changes you've made. A much needed improvement. Debbie always seemed to come across hot and cold.
Author's Response:
Thank you, Phyllis! When it came to defending her chick, Debbie really jerked Brian around, sometimes intentionally. The infamous 30th birthday party was a shining example. Brian did what she wanted, only for her to tell him afterwards that he'd gone overboard. Never mind that Brian knew exactly what it would take to get Michael to let go of him and latch onto David instead. Of course, Deb didn't limit her expectations of Brian just to Michael; she expected Brian to fix other things too, like Stockwell.
~ Karynn
Date: Aug 23, 2019 1:56 pm Title: Chapter 1
As it should have been.
Author's Response:
We agree. ;) Thanks for leaving a comment, Sherry.
~ Karynn
Date: Aug 23, 2019 1:51 am Title: Chapter 1
I love this, hon. Brilliantly done. xxx
Author's Response:
Thanks, Kerri. :) It means a lot to hear that from you.
~ Karynn
Date: Aug 22, 2019 10:13 pm Title: Chapter 1
I have to hand it to you... this was really good! Not for the first time have I thought Cowlip really should have gotten input from viewers, the no-kissing Mikey was ingenious, to say the least. You had some major fix-its, and they were ALL for the better.
And I love how Debbie agreed to "Okay, I get that's it's not like that with, Michael." That comment always bothered me!
And, of course, we can never go wrong with a Toppy!Justin... thank you for that. I would think even the most ultimate top... every gay boy must like to bottom at some point.
So, thank you for writing this, and sharing it with us...I loved it!
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
You won the race! :D My first review on KD (and on AO3, except for my beta, and that doesn’t count since Brynn had a head start).
I wanted to stick as close to canon as possible but also have more than a gap-filler, since that wouldn't have changed anything. It’s implied when the rules are set up in canon that the 'no kissing' rule only applies to tricks and the attendant one-fuck policy, but it isn't explicity stated. Since Justin doesn't kiss anyone except Brian, that hardly seems fair and, imo, contributes to Justin breaking the rules.
I'm betting that Brian thought about his dysfunctional friendship with Michael more than once before 2x06 - he was always fending Michael off (albeit usually after leading him on) - so he must have wondered what kind of action he might need to take one day. He was well aware that Michael loved and was in love with him, so he should have long since halted those non-platonic kisses. Maybe driving Michael away at the 30th birthday party counted for a trial run. :D If it weren't for Justin, he'd probably never be able to let go of Michael to this extent because, sadly, as an adult, I think he depends on Michael more than Michael depends on him.
And I love how Debbie agreed to "Okay, I get that it's not like that with Michael." That comment always bothered me! As you've guessed, it was Debbie’s double-edged remark, “Tell him what you could never say to Michael,” that spurred me to write this fic.
Naturally, Brian likes to bottom occasionally... more than occasionally from now on, I suspect. :D :D His blond massage demon is way better than a toy!
You write the best reviews! :) Thanks so much for the comments, Cathy.
~ Karynn
PS Btw, I’m still giggling about your efforts to figure out in advance what my S2 one-shot would fix. You got warm at one point, but no cigar! :D (No loss, cigars are nasty, lolol.)