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Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 02, 2025 5:12 pm Title: Chapter 36

Here I go again, I just finished reading it, and wanted to stop and tell you how much I still miss this story. It is so awesome and wonderful. The way you've written it, could have been something that happened on the show, if they would have went down that very road.

Whenever I get to the part where Brian says, "Go take a shower, you stink," and when people have written the gapfiller for Ep 212, (B/M in the comic shop) I keep waiting for someone to write Justin telling Brian, "Go take a shower, you stink." If I dared to write that awful scenario, I'd do it just to be able to write that.

I hope life is good for you, and everyone is well and healthy.

Miss You,

Hugs Cathy

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Mar 15, 2024 8:15 pm Title: Chapter 36

Oh, Kerri! I just reread this story. I'm so saddened it has came to a halt, but I definitely understand real life can interfere. But I'll still be waiting if it is ever updated.

<3 ~Cathy

Reviewer: aglaja5 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jan 28, 2022 7:35 am Title: Chapter 36

As I wrote in the first review, a friend of mine warmly recommended this story to me. And while I've vowed to never get involved in unfinished stories again, I'm so glad I did in your case. It was so worth it! Your story is just so incredibly good, fantastic! You are so talented! This story is just perfect. You only changed mainly two small details: Ethan was just a good friend and Michael said those vile words directly to Justin and not to Brian. But with these changes you have shown convincingly how all of Justin's experiences in S1 and S2 could have developed. I don't want to be misunderstood, I love Brian, but he was often cruel to Justin and in their "relationship" or whatever it was, there were just so many things that were unsettled. It's actually a miracle that Justin survived all this in the series so almost unscathed. Your story is so much more realistic and convincing. You touched on so many events or behaviors that I feel have been neglected on the show or treated even carelessly. And at the end Brian dances in Babylon as if Justin didn't exist. Pathetic. In your last chapter (for the time being) they dance together - an ending that I would have wished for in the series. Not married but together, content, happy. The closeness you describe here is so wonderful. It's almost like a final chapter to a first season. That's why I'm not sitting there now being sad that this story isn't finished, because for now you leave us readers with a happy smile on our faces. And yet, of course, I sincerely hope that you will come back someday! Of course one want to know so many things. What happened to Tommy and Roman? What happens in your story with Stockwell? Because this time it's not just Justin who will be vehemently opposed to supporting this man. I can't imagine Brian and even Gardener being in favor of taking him on as a client. And of course - what's next for Brian and Justin. What I've missed a bit in the last few chapters is Alex, who found out three weeks ago how this "You stink. Go for a shower" experience affected Justin's psyche. Since then he surely has had therapy sessions with both Brian and Justin. I can't imagine that this topic hasn't been addressed. I really hope that you will continue to write at some point! But for now, thank you so much for this wonderful story and all the best for you!

Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Jul 12, 2021 11:11 am Title: Chapter 36

Hi, Kerri. It's your friendly pest again. I just reread this story and I honestly think it gets better every time I read it.

I hope all is well with you and your family.

I just wanted you to know that I'm still missing this story, and how much I someday hope you will have the time to finish it.



Reviewer: BritinManor Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: May 29, 2020 4:46 pm Title: Chapter 36

I just wanted to let you know that even though I asked about an update on FB, I still went ahead and reread this wonderful story. Thank you for giving it to us.

But rereading it, something caught my attention. I know it was there before, but never really gave it much thought, probably because reading a chapter at a time, certain things don't always stick.

The fact that Gardner wants Justin to possibly have to work with Brian with a potential new client, a big coup for Vanguard, something to do with politics, can only mean the arrival of Stockwell. And I have to wonder what this will do to Justin.

Will it cause him to straighten his spine and fight back, or will it cause his fragile state to once again feel like someone is trying to control his life?

All I can say, is I'm very happy he and Brian have reconnected as much as they have, and because of this, Justin might be able to assert himself with the same defiance he'd shown in canon.

And yes, I'm still looking forward to that update whenever you are able to find the time to put it out.

Stay safe, stay healthy...

HUGS  ~Cathy

Reviewer: BlueMyst Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 13, 2019 11:56 pm Title: Chapter 36

I like that Brian went out to share an experience with Ethan and Sam it have him an insight to what friendships are supposed to be, and that shallow people aren't worth anyone's time especially Justin.

I wish Debbie would learn not to grab Justin when he is still not ready for that, thankfully Emmett and Ted were there to help Justin remain at ease.

I love Brian and Justin dancing and how all their pain and fear vanished with just that one look of acceptance and forgiveness, I also like that Brian is taking everything slow because physically their bodies might be ready to make love, but mentally they aren't there just yet, but holding each other while they sleep is another layer of the past fading into the background of their pain.

I especially liked how Brian describes himself as the canvas and Justin's fingers are the brushes upon his skin, very moving.

Totally Worth The Wait!

Thanks For the Update 😃

Reviewer: Glo Signed [Report This]
Date: Aug 13, 2019 2:52 pm Title: Chapter 36

Holy shit, this just keeps getting better & better! I love how Brian is okay with Justin's friendships with Sam & he should be, they've done so much for his Sunshine! 

Justin's progress is amazing! You are SO talented Kerri!

Reviewer: YumYumPM Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 13, 2019 1:26 am Title: Chapter 36

Things may not have gone exactly as well as they could have, but Brian now knows that he and Justin are on the same page.  My favorite part was Emmett and Ted.  

Reviewer: The SNO Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 12, 2019 8:39 pm Title: Chapter 36

Whoa!!! The feelings are so raw and deep that we could feel them. Sensual, vibrant, joyful, respectful, meaningful, shared, reverent, protective: these are adjectives that come to my mind. Justin opening up to Brian, finally, slowly, but surely. There were promises in the previous chapters, but here, it's starting to be more than that.

Emmett, my dear Emmett, unable to restrain himself. Always refreshing to see how he deals with "Baby" and how Justin let him.

I was worried when they entered the Diner because of Debbie and then the not so subtle whispers.

I love the whole chapter, but this part is my favorite, with the end, of course:

"Brian had slowly slipped his hand across Justin’s body, until he was able to wrap his arm around Justin’s waist and draw him into his side.  And in the darkened, smoky bar, he had finally gotten the feeling he had wanted.  The curve of Justin’s body pressed lightly against his side.  The tickle of all that blond hair, teasing his nose and lips whenever he glanced down at him.  It was the best high he had been on in a long time."

Reviewer: mamab Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: Aug 12, 2019 7:26 pm Title: Chapter 36

Wow, what a wonderful, powerful chapter.  So happy that they are on the road to being totally ok.  Beautiful, emotional writing.  If a rating higher than 10 was possible, you would receive it.

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