Date: Aug 31, 2019 10:41 pm Title: CHAPTER 5
So far so good...always hated Mikey always loved Daphne
Author's Response:
Yeah, I'm not a Mikey lover either. Never understood that about some people... And yes, Daphne is a good friend and person.
Thank you for reading and reviewing,
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Aug 14, 2019 12:12 pm Title: CHAPTER 5
This is awesome can't wait to see the reunion and the idiot twits get theirs.
Author's Response:
Thank you for liking the story. Yes, the idiot twins will get their just.
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Aug 10, 2019 11:04 pm Title: CHAPTER 5
I loved it and I am waiting to know what is going on for my favorite couple.
Author's Response:
Thank you for saying that. Hopefully you won't have too long to wait!
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Aug 10, 2019 2:46 am Title: CHAPTER 5
it's nice that Brian is taking Mel's concerns into consideration. Hope he learns where Justin is.
Author's Response:
Thank you, Phyllis. Brian will eventually learn. But in the meantime, he might surprise even me!
Thank you for reading!
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Aug 09, 2019 5:00 pm Title: CHAPTER 5
Have read all five chapters and it time for Brian to use that famous brain of his and figure what Michael and Lindsay are really up to.
Michael and Lindsay have been abusing Brian for years and it is time that he gets his soul back before there is nothing left, might also be a good idea to get Gus away from Lindsay while also getting Mel to close all the support accounts and finding her a new place to live.
Lindsay liked the house so much so she can pay the North need to clear all the avenues Lindsay can use to get back at Brian and the same goes for Michael Deb needs to be told but first they gotta get all the information they need.
Daph was right to hit Brian right between his eyes he seriously needs a to wake up and see who his true friends are.
Author's Response:
Thank you Misty! It's always so fun reading your reviews. You are a lot like me that way. I get so worked up reading a chapter sometimes, and as like you, we go on and on about it. So, thank you for reading and leaving some awesome thoughts!
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Aug 09, 2019 3:40 pm Title: CHAPTER 5
Yeah! Well done Daphne! She should have said more about what Michael told.
I'm wondering how Brian is going to get the info to find Justin.
I love Emmett for daring speaking his mind.
Author's Response:
I was kind of in the same mind set... Daphne is a TRUE friend, she really didn't betray, like some we know, but she put a few facts and a little doubt out there. It's up to Brian now how he takes the info and what he does.
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Aug 09, 2019 9:14 am Title: CHAPTER 5
Great chapter. Wonderful writing. Love this story. Oh, can't wait for the reunion. I know it will be fantastic.
Author's Response:
I hope you will enjoy the reunion. I had fun writing it. Thank you so much for reading,
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Aug 09, 2019 8:49 am Title: CHAPTER 5
Hey Cathy,
First, does anyone want to tell me just why at 4:25 EST I'm up reading this? LOL Early to rise does have its privledges sometimes. And OH what a delight it was to read this uninterrupted from the possibly the busiest house in North America!
I'm so glad that Brian is realizing he acted in haste when he kicked Justin out. I was especially happy when he heard the disparaging comments of Michael and Lindsay for himself, and reacted accordingly. Then his conversation with Ted and Emmett shed light in some deliberately darkly hidden places for him, from both their point of views and that of Melanie. Now he can fully see he's been doing exactly what Lindsay wanted when setting up her Happy Heteronormative Haven delusion. Sometimes all it takes is an enforced look into the rearview mirror of life to see where you've been and where you're heading to change your destination at your own whim, instead of others. I think Brian is just about ready to do that since he'll now know what to look and listen for.
Daphne is such a little spitfire and I LOVE that about her. She didn't give Brian an inch, even while acknowledging his concern. Justin telling her the truth was definitely needed. I'm glad that she advised Brian to talk to Michael while divulging BIG tidbits of fact, while still maintaining Justin's privacy. Now THAT is a TRUE BEST FRIEND!
I do hope Brian will take her advice and talk to the worm (apologies to worms everywhere because although you're slimy, you're not malicious). He'll, of course, try to lie his way out of his misdeeds, which hopefully won't work as it has in the past. And who knows? Maybe with the new information, the managers at the Big Q will fire his nonexistent ass, too. But I'm still routing for Mel or Deb to discover where all of Brian's 'missing' items of clothing, and such, are.
The other things stolen are for the police to uncover, which hopefully will also happen so Brian can be informed that the loft door was already open when they got there. But the things Michael and Lindsay took should have to be answered for; first by Brian and the family, then by the police. Lil' Satan and Lilith need their asses burned in the most effective ways possible!
I really am enjoying this! Keep up the good work!
Author's Response:
I answered all reviews, leaving you for last... Hmm, I wonder what THAT means... trying to get my thoughts sorted, I think.
Do you realize how hard it is to come up with new material? I think I have a really good idea, and then Viola, I read it in one of your stories. (You know what I'm talking about.) With the thousands stories I've read, you almost think everything out there has been written, but occasionally a new idea will form. Take for example, Daphne telling Brian they grew up locking doors, which in their neighbor, doesn't seem farfetched. I remember how Debbie said she never locks her door... so to come up with something unique, is fun. Then you ruin it!!! *hehe* So, stop thinking like me! (or is it the other way around?) Anyway, hopefully I can still pull out something that will be different.
As far as, Lil' Satan and Lilith, Nobody can match your name calling. How you come up with those names, is beyond me. But, all that aside,I felt the same as you. A TRUE friend is going to HELP their friend, not stop them from Living and Breathing. What Brian decides is anybody's guess, but hmm... I think he even surprised me!
Thank you so much Nichelle. Your reading and support has meant so much to me,
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Aug 09, 2019 6:27 am Title: CHAPTER 5
Still loving this and fast paced stories are good for me!
Deb L
Author's Response:
Thank you for saying that about the fast pace. It makes me feel better.
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Aug 09, 2019 5:53 am Title: CHAPTER 5
Soo looking forward to more chapters and Lindsey and Michael getting what they deserve. Great job !!!!
Author's Response:
Thank you, Cathy. I'm happy you are enjoying it.
HUGS ~Cathy