Date: Aug 08, 2019 11:42 pm Title: Why - Brian and How - Michael
What a psycho. Wonder what he's going to whine in his defense? Who but Lindsay will believe anything that comes out of his mouth?
Thanks for having Daphne put his reasoning of Brian's scarfing out there. I don't think anyone could have done it better. She hates him.
Jenn is standing up for Brian feels good. He needs a mother who loves him, no strings. No one messes with her family.
I still don't understand how Brian didn't know it was that weasel in the garage.
Author's Response:
You’ve done it again...anither reason, thanks!
Happy reading

Date: Aug 08, 2019 10:42 pm Title: Why - Brian and How - Michael
Michael isn't pathetic he is just Evil!
I do hope he spoke out loud and someone recorded that he Did Attack Justin and steal their rings.
No one seriously noticed that Brian was falling apart (Just Like On The Show) he was dying without Justin, just like Justin was dying without him they can't stand not being with each other.
That is the kind of love stories and movies are made of cause Brian and Justin would actually die on the same day if the other went first.
That is a Love Michael and Lindsay don't understand cause they see Brian as an object to possess and others can covet, they see everyone around them as their toys and if an outsider comes in and shows their toys what life is like without them then they get dangerous.
Because someone else has usurped their place and no one has time to cater to their demands.
Brian found his Happiness with Justin which the Gruesome Twosome hated because they know deep in their hearts that Brian would never choose them so they tried to break them up but that also backfired.
So what is Lindsay's part in this story and will she be going to jail too?
Thanks For the Update 😃
Date: Aug 08, 2019 8:37 pm Title: Why - Brian and How - Michael
Hang Micheal now icluding Lindsey

Date: Aug 08, 2019 6:11 pm Title: Why - Brian and How - Michael
It was ridiculous for thinking Micheal saving Brian. In Qaf Seriously, Brian came out of abusive past, work hard and became successful business man. Couldn't die for being 30 yrs. Brian has much important reasons to think from that night (met Justin & his son Gus.)
I like Jen coming forward for Brian. Shame on Micheal face is evident.
Love the updates. Beautiful written. :)

Date: Aug 08, 2019 5:22 pm Title: Why - Brian and How - Michael
Wedding rings for the night of the prom? Whoa, that's bold! Michael must have felt so bad seeing these.
It's great that Jennifer was pro Brian after the bashing.

Date: Aug 08, 2019 5:17 pm Title: Why - Brian and How - Michael
Wow, fantastic chapter and writing. Love that the truth is spilling out. I was taught as a child not to hate, to strongly dislike someone or something, but I have to admit the one person I do hate is Michael. You can tell how powerful your writing is when it is possible for a real person to feel so much emotion for a fictional character. Can't wait to see how bad it gets when Brian knows for sure that it was Michael. FIREWORKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Date: Aug 08, 2019 2:21 pm Title: Why - Brian and How - Michael
I hope he's not smiling as he remembers.

Date: Aug 08, 2019 12:58 pm Title: Why - Brian and How - Michael
This is going good, can't wait for more!
Deb L

Date: Aug 08, 2019 10:12 am Title: Why - Brian and How - Michael
Ooh, ooh, ooh! I liked this! First the backstory on the scarfing... hehe... Mikey almost killing Brian getting him down...then thinking Brian was killing himself because Michael was leaving...
It makes sense the way he tool the rings... And here Mikey thought Justin was giving the rings to Brian along with the Prom invite.
The garage scene was great! I liked the way you described it. BUT... Mikey took the bat with him? So, he not only has the rings... he has the bat hidden someplace?
This all worked really well.
HUGS ~Cathy