Date: Jul 30, 2019 12:39 am Title: CHAPTER 4
Wonderful chapter. Love this story. Great writing.
Author's Response:
Thanks, Marilynne. It means a lot. I hope you will continue reading. Next chapter up soon.
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Jul 29, 2019 7:19 pm Title: CHAPTER 4
With these fabulous living conditions, Justin will certainly not regretting Pittsburgh, except for Daphne and Brian! He also will have a great opportunity to learn all about art.
The pictures are amazing.
Author's Response:
Thanks Sno! I thought if Justin had to live away from home, I wanted him to have creature comforts. it took some time to find the right pics, but it was fun looking.
Thanks for reading. Next chapter up soon!
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Jul 29, 2019 2:55 pm Title: CHAPTER 4
Hey Cathy,
I hope the fact that Michael basically got out of trouble means that there is MORE TROUBLE brewing for him. Lindsay, too! The games they play with people's lives deserve a punch to the throat and some real hard lessons delivered!
As for Justin, I think Daphne would be able to handle the news concerning Michael's threat to her extremely well, and in very efficient ways. Even in this fic (which is also how I LOVE to write her within my own), she's extremely intelligent and does NOT seem easily intimidated. Besides, I think she certainly needs a reason to corner Brian at this point. After all, under what better set of circumstances would Daph have to tell him about the asshole his so-called best friend really is, and to confirm the fact that Justin really DID put the alarm on the loft? Yeah, she needs to be told for so MANY reasons!
I love the addition of Aunt June. She seems real down-to-earth, and the fact that she hates Craig is a BIG PLUS. Too bad Jennifer can't see what an asshole her husband is, and is uncomfortably reminding me of how I viewed Deb, both in the series and while writing. As long as the crap Craig pulls is done to Justin and not her, then she can keep her distance from the situation while continuing to live her very comfortable lifestyle. But as soon as what he does affects her directly, she'll be up in arms and ready to divorce the bastard, when she should have done so in regards to the safety and wellbeing of her son. That whole 'needs of the whole family, not just your desires' thing burned me up at the time, and it still does. How could she not acknowledge the mental and emotional abuse being meted out at Craig's hands in reference to Justin?! But that's just me ranting, so feel free to snap me out of it.
Anyway, hopefully June can help Justin make a life for himself, and his impending foray into fatherhood. I can't say that I feel sorry for Brian, since he really should have checked all the facts, or better yet LISTENED instead of just reacting on a very wrong inclination when he kicked Justin out. But I am looking forward to him finding out that his so-called friends are really his Enslavers, and that despite the circumstances, Justin Taylor will always land on his feet with or without Brian Kinney. He's certainly more MAN than mealy-mouthed Michael!
Author's Response:
Feel free to rant away! I know how riled I can get myself. I get so caught up in reading some of your chapters, after I leave a particularly scathing review, and then calm down, I berate myself thinking, Martha Mae, this is just a story!!
I already sent off my next chapter, and hmm... let's just say... Daphne is... nope, not gonna say.
As far as that part about Jennifer feeling she needed to do what's best for the whole family... it was always a sore spot with me. Better for who? Certainly not a seventeen-yr-old boy trying to come to terms with his sexuality. While she allows him to flounder, she sat in her cushy home!
Thanks for reading!
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Jul 29, 2019 1:51 pm Title: CHAPTER 4
Michael and Lindsay are evil and should not be allowed to get away with it. Daphne is a must have for getting in tough with. She does need to know about the threat in order to avoid it. Justin's aunt is great and the background story is wonderful. I hope the glass she dropped wasn't expensive. The first question out of my mouth would have been 'Does you mom know?" Then I'd be pissed because she kept it quiet.
Author's Response:
Hey, Phyllis, my crystal goblet I had to replace one time was $15.99... so not REAL expensive, but, not cheap for one glass. The next chapter is already with Kim, and although we don't get June's reaction... well, next time.
Thanks for reading,
HUGS ~Cathy