Date: Jul 27, 2019 9:30 pm Title: CHAPTER 29: THE NEED TO GET A FEW THINGS… STRAIGHT Part 1
amazing - love it
Date: Jul 27, 2019 10:02 am Title: CHAPTER 29: THE NEED TO GET A FEW THINGS… STRAIGHT Part 1
Excellent this banter between two ex "nemesis", but so alike. They both excel with words and witty repartee.
Date: Jul 25, 2019 1:30 pm Title: CHAPTER 29: THE NEED TO GET A FEW THINGS… STRAIGHT Part 1
This conversation Brian and Mel see each other as friends both always been, but was blinded cause of Lindsay manuplations of years. Clearing the distances & concerns. I agreed on Qaf Leda is better match with Mel. Lindsay character never behaved equal with anyone.
Judge will on first count ban Cunt Jaon from breathing. Peter & John are Best without & away her. Brian's Right Justin is more a Man than a boy. He always has.
Thankyou for updating. Kudos to your wonderful writing. â¤
Date: Jul 25, 2019 12:43 pm Title: CHAPTER 29: THE NEED TO GET A FEW THINGS… STRAIGHT Part 1
So good to see more on this one. Brian and Mel are actually getting along and I'm loving it.
Date: Jul 25, 2019 7:28 am Title: CHAPTER 29: THE NEED TO GET A FEW THINGS… STRAIGHT Part 1
THIS WAS AWESOME!!! I totally LOVED their easy-going camaraderie. You would think they had been best friends all their lives. You did really well with this chapter, Nichelle. BRAVO!
I, too, worried a little about John and Peter, and the lack of DNA, but I would think the state of Pennsylvania, would recognize that Brian took them in, clothed them, fed them, hired a care-giver for them... really has to account for something. And Jennifer could still be a possibility. Molly might have a devious nature, but she's not a BAD child. She would probably love to have kids her age around to help her plot and scheme.
Speaking of which... how's Craig holding up??? Has he had to clean the pigsty or the calf barns, yet? (you, not being a country girl, have no idea how awful a calf barn is!)
Oh Well. Again, I loved the chapter,
Cathy â¤ï¸
Date: Jul 25, 2019 3:48 am Title: CHAPTER 29: THE NEED TO GET A FEW THINGS… STRAIGHT Part 1
Brian and Mel coulda been friends or friendly years of Mel.had just let her insecurity go and talked to Brian man to man lol
She let Lindsay dangle that one night with Brian over her head for Years and it was the proverbial bat (Sorry) she used to beat Mel into submission, if Mel had just asked Brian about that night she would've realized that it meant as much to Brian as a mosquito bite.
Lindsay has been reliving that night with great pleasure while Brian barely acknowledged it actually happened, it was just sex not love, just a horny drunk teenager getting his need met.
She has been so scared that if Brian snapped his fingers Lindsay would drop her faster then you could say "Come Here".
What Mel failed to see was that it was a one time thing Never Ever to be repeated Brian is Totally Without a Doubt 100% Gay!
And he wouldn't sleep with Lindsay again if her twat could produce diamonds nonstop he doesn't want her and he would rather stick his duck in a meat grinder it's warmer.
Mel is seeing with wide open eyes that Brian isn't to blame for Lindsay's behavior it is all in Lindsay who gives a good impression of a grown up but is actually a Spoiled Selfish Brat, who refuses to admit that Brian isn't confused about his sexuality he is proud of it!
Brian Aiden Kinney Is Gay!!!
No blinders will change that!
Mel is working on embracing Brian as a friend and brother who isn't evil but he is surrounded by evil bike people.
Mel spending time having fun with Leda and Shavonne is good time for Mel to rediscover the woman she was before Lindsay sink her hooks in.
And Besides There Is Nothing Wrong With Getting Your Needs Met, just be honest.
Justin might not be ready for monogamy yet but he should be allowed to make his own decisions.
Going To Be Very Interesting!