Date: Nov 02, 2019 3:31 pm Title: Chapter 43: Saturday, December 16th
Brilliant story. Glad Brian and Ted took Justin to the hospital. Can't wait for the next chapter
Author's Response:
More motivation - yay! :) Can you tell how much we like reviews? :D
You're in luck; we're getting really close to posting the next chapter. You won't have to wait as long to get off the cliff as the readers who gobbled down this chapter an age ago, before real life jinxed us again.
Thanks for commenting. :) We're made up that you're enjoying our story.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Sep 19, 2019 8:09 pm Title: Chapter 43: Saturday, December 16th
More please!!! I never want this story to end...
Author's Response:
The good news: We're working on the next chapter right now. :) More good news: There's loads of story to come with no end in sight. :)
The bad news: We've got a lot yet to write before we'll be ready to post the next chapter. :/ We'll get it up as soon as we can, though. :) In the meantime, if you haven't taken a peek yet, there is a teaser available in the FanDoc.
We're made up to have you reading our story, Sharon. :) Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment - reviews really do motivate us.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Aug 06, 2019 4:43 am Title: Chapter 43: Saturday, December 16th
Sooooo good!!! I can't to see how Brian or maybe even Ted brings Brian out of his own personal guilt-ridden hell; and how Justin explains his way out of everything once he is coherent!! Love this story. Please keep updating<3
Author's Response:
Good to hear from you again! :) We're made up that you're still enjoying our story. :)
Brian deservedly feels a little guilty here. He did put himself out of commission by getting stoned and drunk, forgetting all about his promise to pick Justin up from Babylon on Friday night. Plus, as he himself thought, he really could have burned down his loft since he didn't put out his third (or was that the fourth?) joint before falling asleep in his bed. That does not mean, of course, that he's responsible for Justin's bad judgement because he definitely isn't - as Ted will doubtless assure him. Justin too, once he's no longer freaking out about what the doctor will say and can think clearly.
Justin may have a difficult time explaining his way out of this predicament, especially since he doesn't want Brian to cotton on to why he's so adamant about earning money. It's a bit of a sticky wicket. :D More lectures coming up from family and friends, we expect - Brian, Ted, Carl, Wen, Deb, Vic, Daph, Syd, Em, etc. You've really set yourself up for it, Justin! :D
We will definitely keep updating. :) That's the good news. The bad news is that real life has been horrid for Karynn (aka eureka1) recently, so we haven't been able to get much done on the next chapter - and you're stuck on the edge of a cliff along with Justin. It will likely a month or more before we can post again, but we will get there! In the meantime, there is a teaser for the next chapter in the FanDoc if you haven't already peeked at it.
Thanks so much for leaving a comment. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jul 26, 2019 1:03 pm Title: Chapter 43: Saturday, December 16th
Justin is finally at the hospital. He suffers so much! Brian and Ted give him a sermon about drugs but pain makes you do stupid things. I hope Carl will fix Hobbs problem. Great update Ladies as always.
Author's Response:
That's a very good point that pain can make you do foolish things. Justin also brought it on himself, unfortunately, with his stubbornness about go-go dancing so he can pay Brian back. "Stupid little twat," as Brian might say, if not as affectionately as usual at the moment. Could it be any more obvious how much Brian cares about him? :)
Do we foresee a sermon coming up for Justin from both Carl and Wen? Along, of course, with more from Brian and Ted... plus Deb, Vic, Daph, Syd, Em, etc. Jsutin's gonna get an earful, again and again. :D
Oh and then there’s our favorite detectives… they may also have a thing or two to say to Justin. :D You're not the only one who wants Carl - and Wen - to fix the Hobbs problem. If only the administrators at St. James didn't encourage that kind of bullying. :/
Everyone is on tenterhooks, waiting to see whether Justin will be okay. We didn't mean to leave you - and all our other lovely readers - hanging from a cliff for so long. Unfortunately, real life has sucked in the worst way for Karynn (eureka1) of late, which means we haven't been able to work much on the next chapter. We will update as soon as possible, but it may be a month or more. :/ There is, however, a teaser available in the FanDoc if you haven't already peeked at it - and we will write the rest of the chapter to go with it. :)
Thanks so much for leaving a comment, Marie-France. :) We adore our loyal readers!
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jul 13, 2019 9:26 am Title: Chapter 43: Saturday, December 16th
Wonderful update! Hugs to You, Brian and Ted. Feeling great reading this chapter. As Justin finally been taken care. Waiting is over. Oscar telling about 2 thugs attaked Jus night before. Ted concerns over Sunshine. Love Protective Brian for Sunshine (even he gonna ream some sense into Justin later). Love it, how event fold out. Also Ted is one who become a true friend of Brian after Justin. I respect it. Carl is truely a father figure.
If Deb noticed, (In Qaf) she would have know how Brian was miserable alone before Justin came. Even sweet, Deb only cared for Micheal, who is 30 but behaves immature, sits on his arse, read comics & does nothing. *Brian's voice "It's true."
ThankYou for update. Satisfied. Gonna read it again.â:) hugs
Author's Response:
Thanks for the lovely comments, Pushpanjali. :) We always look forward to hearing from you.
Well, Justin has almost been taken care of. Right now he's freaking out, wondering whether his bad decision to take drugs will have drastic consequences. He's lucky to have Brian and Ted looking out for him. Protective Brian is always popular (as is protective Justin). And now we have protective Ted! It doesn't get much better than that.
You're right - Ted is a true friend - better than a certain so-called best friend. ;) Although, to give that unnamed person some credit, he probably would be there for Brian, if not for Justin, if he actually knew what was going on. Do we hear a high-pitched whine? :P
Based on your comments about Deb, you might enjoy the one-shot I'm (Karynn, aka eureka1) currently writing. It's not at all anti - you-know-who is still the best friend - but it addresses some of those same concerns from Brian's perspective. Look for the fic in roughly the next two weeks. It was supposed to be out for my third anniversary as a writer, but real life has sucked, and interfered majorly, so it’ll be late.
We're made up by how much you liked this chapter. Our apologies for leaving Justin - and you - on a cliff for so long. :/ Keep holding on with your fingertips! - it'll be a while before we get out the next chapter. There is a teaser in the FanDoc, though; take a peek if you haven't yet.
Hugs back atcha. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jul 13, 2019 2:25 am Title: Chapter 43: Saturday, December 16th
Wow Justin is in such pain and a whole lot of trouble
Author's Response:
Yeah, Justin is freaking out about what the doctor will say and whether he'll be okay. :( His poor decision-making could have drastic consequences. Thankfully, he has both Brian and Ted there, doing their best to look after him, although Brian is regretting some of his own recent actions...
Thanks for leaving a comment, Chris. :) We'll try to have another chapter up in the next month or so, providing RL cooperates.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jul 12, 2019 4:20 pm Title: Chapter 43: Saturday, December 16th
I loved this so much! You know I love all your stuff ladies but this chapter....fabulous! Poor Justin was really giving me some serious anxiety with the amount of pain he's been in and his stubborness, refusing to seek any help. Jesus! I was shocked Deb & Vic didn't notice from how he was moving & not eating.
Brian was a friggin mess and I'm sure he's not gonna do that again! Yikes! God! I love Ted & Brian's friendship! "You better put your nose all up in it now Theodore" lmao God love them!
So glad Brian is going to get Justin a new freaking coat jeez....I don't know why no one has thought about it before just by looking at the thing lol
Cannot wait to read more about Justin's hospital stay...oh my God, the amount of damage that must have been done to his poor privates.
Author's Response:
Who are you, and what have you done with Glo? :D :D You loved the chapter without any S - E - X ! :D
Justin is giving himself and everyone major anxiety, especially Brian and Ted and soon, no doubt, Carl. And he's bound to get (more of) an earful from them and everyone else - can you hear Deb?! - once they find out. Justin's not thinking about that right now, however, since he's freaking out about what the doctor will have to say and whether he'll be okay. Poor kid. :(
Deb and Vic probably put Justin's lack of appetite, and also the way he moved so gingerly, to a mild case of food poisoning (that stuff is nasty, even when it's not severe), the flu, or both.
You're right. There are lessons for Brian here, too. Not only did he get drunk and high and break his promise to be at Babylon for Justin on Friday night, he was so stoned that he couldn't have helped regardless. If Justin had called him on the landline, he probably wouldn't have heard the phone ring or wouldn’t have paid attention if he did. And the way he regularly pops drugs hardly sets a good example for his young lover.
Isn't the friendship between Brian and Ted wonderful? We're really enjoying our Ted, who matures - well, except for a touch of foot in mouth disease :D - much earlier than in canon and is well on his way to replacing someone else as Brian's best friend. Other than Justin, of course. :)
Both Debbie and Vic have probably wanted to buy Justin a new coat - that thing's so threadbare that if one pulled on a hanging thread, it would probably disintegrate - ever since he moved in with them, but they know how stubborn and proud Justin is about caring for himself. Stubborn blond. *sigh*
Real life has sucked big time for Karynn of late, so we're not sure when we'll get the next chapter out - probably at least a month (or more) from now. :/ We're always planning future chapters, though. :)
Thanks for the wonderful review, Glo. Sex aside, hahaha - you know we can't resist teasing you. :P
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jul 12, 2019 1:02 pm Title: Chapter 43: Saturday, December 16th
So much stupid going on between Brian and Justin. So glad you pointed out about Justin's allergies. Just thinking of all the pain Justin must have been in makes me queezy. Ted is my hero, though I'm sure Emmett would have stepped up to the plate if he'd known.
Author's Response:
In canon, we learned in the pilot episode that Justin is allergic to lots of medications, so it jarred when CowLip didn't follow up in future episodes, not even when Justin was being treated after the bashing. His allergies are especially important during this story arc, with Justin accepting mystery drugs from a dubious source, but they are also relevant in other ways.
Isn't Ted wonderful? He's such a good friend to both Brian and Justin. :) You're right about Emmett; if he'd known, he would be there for his Baby and also for Brian - exchanges of 'Honeycutt' and 'Bri' aside. :D
Justin is well ready to be out of limbo, although he's also also freaked out that he won't escape unscathed. :(
Real life - it sucks sometimes! - has kept us from working on the next chapter, but we'll get it out as soon as we can - likely a month or more, unfortunately. :/ There is a teaser in the FanDoc, however, if you want to take a peek.
Thanks for reviewing, Phyllis! :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jul 11, 2019 10:34 pm Title: Chapter 43: Saturday, December 16th
Excellent chapter! So relieved that Justin finally is going to be taken care of.
Surprised that Debbie didn't find strange that Justin didn't eat.
Ted and Brian are amazing here: working together to get Justin out of Babylon, then checking him and getting him to the hospital. Calling Carl was also a great idea.
I hope Justin will understand that he can't keep doing this.
I love this quote "run over by a station wagon full of lesbians"!
Author's Response:
Thanks so much for the lovely compliments. :) This chapter seems to have really resonated with our readers. :)
Thank goodness, huh, that Justin is finally going to see a doctor? If only a positive outcome were certain... :( We're all on tenterhooks, waiting to hear what the doctor will say. Brian and Ted are almost as freaked out as Justin. Carl, like Brian, may do his best not to show it, but he's also bound to be really concerned about the kid who's becoming a son to him. Our favorite detective has sure come a long way from when gays weirded him out.
Debbie probably put Justin's lack of appetite down to a mild case of food poisoning or the flu. We'll doubtless hear more of her opinion on the matter. :D
Thanks for sharing your favorite quote from the chapter. :D That was a combined brainstorm. :P
Real life has once again delayed us - it has been especially sucky for eureka1 :( - but we will get a new chapter out as soon as possible, likely another month or more, unfortunately. If you haven't read the teaser for the new chapter yet, it is available in the FanDoc.
Thanks for being such a faithful reader - and reviewer - Claire! :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jul 11, 2019 9:50 pm Title: Chapter 43: Saturday, December 16th
HHow many more chapter of this till it's finished.
Author's Response:
We'd tell you if we could! :D Unfortunately, we don't have a better answer than the last time you asked. :D
~ KaBrynn