Date: Feb 19, 2020 7:58 am Title: Hells Bells
Wow that was vicious Michael and I hope the nail in the hinge of the cell I hope he ends up in
Date: Jul 14, 2019 8:31 pm Title: Hells Bells
Loving this one already. 😠I have soooo many questions. Is there video proof that Michael followed Brian to the Hotel the Prom was being held. Is Hunter HIV positive AND the boyfriend of a teenage Gus? 😧 What did Lindsey do to alienate the Family. How old is Jenny? Is there a Britin in the story? Do/will our guys have children together? More pleaseðŸ‘
Date: Jul 02, 2019 1:34 am Title: Hells Bells
Lots going on in this chapter. Hopefully in later chapters we will get some backstory. I always love when Michael is the bad guy. Go team.

Date: Jun 29, 2019 3:59 pm Title: Hells Bells
What an amazing start! Fireworks from everywhere! Very promising plot!
I love that Brian chose Cynthia for this momentous event.
My favorite parts:
squuddle: is it a contraction of squeeze and cuddle?
Go sit in the corner, Baby, nobody cares.” Ted sneers at her.: Is it a reference to Dirty Dancing?)
“If my nails were as sharp as you are making out, then your eyes would be on the end of them!” Justin spits. “Now go sit like the bottom boy you are!”
Author's Response:
Yes indeedy it is a contraction of those two words and yes to Dirty Dancing too. If Michael is lucky, there will be some of him left to go to jail with by the time the Stud and Sunshine get through with him.
Happy reading
Date: Jun 28, 2019 11:14 am Title: Hells Bells
wow, cant wait for update
Date: Jun 26, 2019 1:02 am Title: Hells Bells
Yes! I love it! So glad you grabbed the bunny and have started posting!
Love how they have gathered everyone together to announce their wedding plans and expose who bashed Justin. Looks like Deb won't be falling for Michael's BS, but will keep my fingers crossed that she doesn't fall for anything he comes up with.
Michael's lucky Justin's nails aren't as sharp as he exaggerated! But I'm sure Justin would want Michael to see what's coming to him! LOL!
Thank you so much for taking on this bunny! Looking forward to the next chapter!
Date: Jun 25, 2019 11:22 pm Title: Hells Bells
Another great one from my favorite writer. Hooked and ready for a good ole Anti-Michael story!!! And alway a plus with Anti-Lindsay too!!
Love it can't wait for more.

Date: Jun 25, 2019 6:20 pm Title: Hells Bells
Can't Say I Am Surprised Michael Tried ago Kill Justin.
more Surprised it Wasn't Lindsay Though?
Brian and Justin are getting married, Justin is adopting Gus!!
Lindsay cheating with men is about as shocking as her jealousy that Brian doesn't want her or Michael's constant whining.
Totally Hooked Now😀
Date: Jun 25, 2019 1:30 pm Title: Hells Bells
Oh boy. After 15 yrs Mikey and Lindsay haven't changed on bit.
Go ahead Michael, explain that one.
Date: Jun 25, 2019 11:31 am Title: Hells Bells
Brilliant start. Can't wait to read what is coming next. Love the anti Michael stories

Date: Jun 25, 2019 11:30 am Title: Hells Bells
Oh boy. A new and completely unusual story. Can't wait to find out where you take us with this one.

Date: Jun 25, 2019 11:11 am Title: Hells Bells
Awesome cliffhanger. I'm absolutely positive I am not alone in hoping for very quick updates to this. Fabulous start.
Date: Jun 25, 2019 10:19 am Title: Hells Bells
Can you update like 3 times a day, 7 days a week? Like seriously, put the other stories on hiatus and focus pretty please on this one!!! um a huge fan of yours but this one feels better than all the rest! um not above begging ill let you know!!!!
Author's Response:
Thanks for the positive review. As tempting as that is, as I have to admit that I couldn't wait to write this one once I knew what the PB was, I will have to continue the others aqt the same time.
Happy reading

Date: Jun 25, 2019 9:01 am Title: Hells Bells
Wow,this is great. Love it except of course, the cliffhanger, but that makes the best stories. Can't wait to see where you go with this. Wonderful writing.
Date: Jun 25, 2019 9:00 am Title: Hells Bells
Hmm... got the email that one of my fave authors started her story. Is this where I say.... good thing I asked you about THAT plot bunny? ðŸ˜
Oh well... loved the first chapter. Although I AM curious how Deb is aware of that knowledge when Carl said he hadn't told her.
I'm going to assume that the Tiffany's box is the clue that lead to the knowledge of who the basher was.
Looking forward to see where you go with this.
HUGS ~Cathy
On A Side Note: I got the summary from Deb, too. So, watch for my interpretation coming soon!
Author's Response:
Hey Cathy,
I am waiting very [im]patiently for yours. You are indeed right about the box but that was just the start.
Date: Jun 25, 2019 8:06 am Title: Hells Bells
I love this beginning! I will try to read each chapter because there I have the breath cut !! I want to know too. Thank you for this new story.
Date: Jun 25, 2019 8:05 am Title: Hells Bells
I am already excited about this. Love that it starts off with Michael being found out. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with all of us.