Date: Jun 19, 2019 1:44 pm Title: CHAPTER 72: PRECINCT BLUES PART 6: STEPPIN' TO THE BAD SIDE
More and more new information! The plot is very thick and so intricate!
Well done Nichelle!
Date: Jun 19, 2019 4:52 am Title: CHAPTER 72: PRECINCT BLUES PART 6: STEPPIN' TO THE BAD SIDE
It was nice to get a resonse from you. I KNOW I ask WAY TOO questions, but trust me, unless it's something you don't plan on covering e.g. Anthony Locke, I really don't expeact answers. I guess I'm just putting out there things going through my mind as I read the chapter. So I do appreciate the explanation regaring Anthony.
I did remember Jason's sister and brother-in-law being at Jen's, but the step father/mother killing him, had escaped my memory.
I know one thing I didn't comment on, was the fact that they actually found these vials in Michael's possesion. I wasn't aware they were searching his office and home. Too bad we can't get video of Darius' find in Cali. (SEE, here I go again...) hehe,
Date: Jun 19, 2019 3:06 am Title: CHAPTER 72: PRECINCT BLUES PART 6: STEPPIN' TO THE BAD SIDE
Aha! So Troy and Eric are being implicated. I was wondering when that was going to come put. Why Justin let Eric's job application go through... is beyond me. I can't wait to see those little pissants get theirs. They thought they were so smart. Avery tried warning them... I wonder just how deep they are involved.
I think it was a given that Michael would have had to drug Brian to get him anyplace... but it's a mystery to me how he would have gotten a drugged Brian on a plane... unless he chartered a private one.
Will the house in Cali have a "cell" of sorts that he planned to keep Brian in? Did he plan to keep his water/food drugged so he could continue to have his way with him? What exactly was Michael hoping for? The Stockholm Syndrome to miraculously happen?
Was Lindsay aware of this house in Cali? How would she have acted once Brian was no place to be found? Or was Michael planning on 'taking her out' prior to disappearing?
I'm trying to come up with WHY the trio of dumbasses wanted Jason killed. Was it because he 'failed' in getting Justin to drink his drugged drink at Sap's party? And why was Jason hooked up with Sap and doing this when he had a positive family behind him?
So, Anthony Locke was the gym teacher, I gather? But how did Brian save Anthony's life? You said he was wanting to help Brian anyway he could, but what did he do to help Brian?
Good update.
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
Hi Cathy,
Some of your questions will be answered later, but here are a couple of answers now.
Yes, Jason was killed because of his 'failure' to get Justin to drink. Although he had a positive family with his mother and sister, if you remember his father- or stepfather which is the case- was NOT. He was extremely abusive, especially to Jason. So he ran away, which is why he was homeless and living on the street. The mother is currently in jail for killing the stepfather. It was JK's sister who presented Jenn with the check for Brian and Justin. *See Chapter 9*
As for how Brian saved Anthony Locke's life, the answer is simple. Through giving Anthony something else to focus on, Brian gave the man back his purpose. When you are forced to live a lie for your entire life, it is often difficult to hold on to your self-worth. Brian reminded Anthony of two things: that he is a person worth knowing, and why the man had become an educator in the first place. That is why Charles considers Brian a hero in his eyes. Not only did Brian keep Anthony's secrets, but kept him from taking the drastic step that so many who are ill with Depression take.
Happy Reading,

Date: Jun 19, 2019 3:03 am Title: CHAPTER 72: PRECINCT BLUES PART 6: STEPPIN' TO THE BAD SIDE
Great chapter, but it leaves us with wanting more!
Author's Response:
Hi Phyllis!
So glad that you are continuing to enjoy this story! There is so much more to come!
Happy Reading and HUGS,

Date: Jun 19, 2019 1:11 am Title: CHAPTER 72: PRECINCT BLUES PART 6: STEPPIN' TO THE BAD SIDE
Wow, great chapter. Love all the details. Thank you for an update so quickly. You are amazing. Fantastic writing.
Author's Response:
Thank you so much, Marilynne. I look forward to the day when I can finally sit down and belt out chapter after chapter again!

Date: Jun 19, 2019 1:02 am Title: CHAPTER 72: PRECINCT BLUES PART 6: STEPPIN' TO THE BAD SIDE
Thank Goodness Charles went to go get that laptop it probably has a wealth of riches for the Prosecution but undeniable pain for the Defense.
With Michael's info, Sap's info, Craig's info and what they get from the account they are looking into Vance Troy and others will be going to jail and they won't get out in their lifetime or anyone else's.
They will all be fighting for the last life preserver not realizing it has holes in it and a Giant Tsunami is coming.
With the evidence being gathered they won't have a way to talk, cry whine or deflect their way out of this.
Thanks For the Update 😃
Author's Response:
Hey Blue!
YES!!! I was so happy that Charles didn't wait to get the laptop. It is already helping to ensure an airtight case, and there is so much more to come!