Date: Jun 14, 2019 11:09 pm Title: CHAPTER 3
Oh crap, another reason te hate Michael! I hope the police find him and Brian talks to Justin
Author's Response:
Oh crap, another reason te hate Michael!
Do we REALLY need another one?
Thanks for reading and commenting.
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Jun 14, 2019 4:35 pm Title: CHAPTER 3
Michael may think he has the upper hand, but he will soon find out that someone is smart enough to trick him. Although how Justin is going to react to this threat?
Evil cliffhanger!
Author's Response:
Thanks Sno... it means a lot that you are reading and commenting.
I hate cliffhangers, don't you?
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Jun 14, 2019 1:44 pm Title: CHAPTER 3
OMG! I hope that Justin won't be naive enough to give into Michael's demands! I also hope that the campus of St. James has security cameras. I mean with the tuition they charge, surely they can afford them? I'm hoping that Hobbs gets questioned and in trouble, too, but with the photos and evidence against Michael, losing his job at the Big Q is going to be the least of his worries. HELLOOOOOO STALKING CHARGE!! And there isn't anything ANYONE will be able to do, or in this case will WANT to do to help him.
I have to wonder though, did Lindsay help the village idiot come up with this plan? He would certainly have been in contact with her to keep her informed of if/when Justin makes any appearances on Liberty Avenue's side of town. Not only that, but... well, how would Michael even really know where to look to find Justin? Other than the one time he and Deb took Justin home BY CAR- not the bus, there wasn't any other time that he would have had a reason to be in the vicinity.
Looking forward to the next chapter!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Author's Response:
I'm hoping that Hobbs gets questioned and in trouble, too...
Hmm.. nice thought, but Justin hasn't really had any 'trouble' with Hobbs yet. Still early in the school year. So other than a few snide comments, no interactions that would warrant Hobbs involvement.
Thanks so much for your support, Nichelle. It means a lot!
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Jun 14, 2019 12:28 pm Title: CHAPTER 3
Mikey is in BIG trouble. Brian isn't talking to him and Daphne has proof he's skipping out on work. Bye, bye, Big Q.
Author's Response:
Bye, bye, Big Q.
Nice thought, huh???
Thnaks for reading and commenting.
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Jun 14, 2019 11:04 am Title: CHAPTER 3
Oh what a great chapter. And, just one more time for me to dislike Mikey more and more. He is the worst character and I love when people make him even nastier. Didn't like him in the series and still don't. Terrific writing.
Author's Response:
I love when people make him even nastier.
Yes, my sentiments exactly.
Thanks for commenting,
HUGS ~Cathy