Date: Jun 18, 2019 5:04 pm Title: Chapter 42: Friday, December 15th
Thanks for update. I think Michael ropped the loft
Author's Response:
That Michael robbed the loft is a popular theory. The police won't confirm or deny, though; their investigation is still in progress.
Thanks for commenting. :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jun 15, 2019 8:07 am Title: Chapter 42: Friday, December 15th
Justin always been a remarkably strong person beside Brian. Being in so much pain still Justin was able to school, give test. later doing GG-job. I don't fault Justin taking those pills in Pain Haze State.
Love reading Justin's school, his class conversations & Brian Loft comic scene.
Action Needs to be taken. IF Brian wants his "Sunshiny Wet Dreams Come True", He needs to be known what Justin been through. Also Keep Justin for Kinnetic(after his treatment). Hobbs needs to be put in his place, so does two thugs who tried take advantage of Justin.
ThankYou, for the update. Hugs 🙂
Author's Response:
Justin is incredibly tough - that's one of the many characteristics that makes him a good match for Brian. :) The decision to take drugs was a bad one, but understandable under the circumstances. He does need to stop and think about what he's doing, though; there could be serious consequences.
We're made up that you enjoyed the scenes at St James. :) Brian and his cohorts had a great time, although Brian remains convinced that he was almost completely sober. Sure. Keep telling yourself that, stud.
:D Sunshiny wet dreams :D Good one. That's the desired outcome for Operation Twat Retrieval. :D
Is there anyone who doesn't want Hobbs to get his just deserts? Besides Hobbs himself, that is. Maybe Dickhead, although there's doubtless another jock ready to cozy up to him, so he probably doesn't care all that much.
Thanks for the wonderful review, Pushpanjali. :) We should have a teaser for the next chapter up soon - we're banishing real life!
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jun 15, 2019 7:09 am Title: Chapter 42: Friday, December 15th
Justin really has a shitty day and makes some really bad decisions. I hope he has passed his tests and working for kinnetik will stop him from making other mistakes. We will say that with pain he does not think well. The Kinnetik team has fun like crazy and Brian has a wet dream, it was a dream, right?
Author's Response:
You're absolutely correct. Justin in pain does not think well at all. That led to the extremely bad decision to take drugs at Babylon. :(
The drunk and high advertising team had a lot of fun. :D Even if they were barely coherent at times. :D Brian keeps trying to tell us that he was barely affected by all the alcohol and pot, but we're not buying it...
The final scene was a Beam and weed-induced hallucination. Brian certainly enjoyed himself. :D
Thanks for commenting, Marie-france. :) Real life reared its ugly head and interfered with our progress on the next chapter, but we should have a teaser up soon - we're working on the chapter now.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jun 14, 2019 5:59 pm Title: Chapter 42: Friday, December 15th
When will Justin realize that he can't continue doing his go-go boy gig without serious complications? For such a smart guy, he can be so stubborn. With his limited quickness/mobility, he should be careful. He is very lucky to have the bouncer on his side.
I guess the last scene is a dream. Considering Justin's nether sensitivity, the moans wouldn't have been from pleasure.
Author's Response:
Justin's determined to make money to pay Brian back as quickly as possible, and that led to a really poor decision to take drugs. Even discounting his injuries though, he can't keep burning the candle at both ends forever. Let's hope someone talks sense into him soon! Justin has a gift for making friends, and he's lucky to count Oscar among them.
Yes, Brian is having a Beam and weed-induced hallucination in the last scene. You're right; 'real' Justin would not be moaning in pleasure, but hallucinatory angel Justin definitely is. :)
Thanks for commenting, Claire. :) We've been delayed - again, dammit! - by real life but are working on the next chapter now and should have a teaser up soon.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jun 13, 2019 3:45 am Title: Chapter 42: Friday, December 15th
I May be way off base here.....BUT I am thinking that Brian did not “imagine” sex with Justin. I’m thinking that good ole Mikey came in the loft, saw how high Brian was and took his opportunity. I know I’m thinking very diabolically, but I am not a Mikey fan. So my mind immediately went there lol. I guess we will see what really happened with the next chapter. Great writing. I love this story.
Author's Response:
That's certainly a unique theory. :D You'll just have to keep reading to find out what happens. :D
Thanks so much for leaving a review. :) We're made up that you're enjoying our story. Real life has delayed us - again, dammit! - but we should have a teaser for the next chapter up soon.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jun 13, 2019 2:56 am Title: Chapter 42: Friday, December 15th
Okay, so the advertising trio were pretty funny but Benji?? Lol what a bunch of weirdos! Too bad about the power outage, that sucks!
Seriously Justin?? Did he not care about his body at that point, that he would take drugs from someone who's not his friend? WTF boy? He should know better! And Brian was pretty freaking trashed himself huh, wow!
No sex?? Yes, I'm greedy! Lol but thank you for the speedy chapter!
Author's Response:
"What?" Brian roars. "How dare you call me a weirdo? I was almost completely sober!" Yeah, sure, Brian; we all believe you. :D
You can bet Brian's not going to let it go that Theodore called Ben Benji - that's the one thing he's bound to remember even though he was drunk and stoned. It was just the early stages... for Brian, at least. :D
The power outage led to quite an entertaining afternoon for the 'intrepid advertising trio' but not so much for Justin. He does know better than to take drugs, but he made a poor decision in that moment at Babylon. Now will come the fallout.
Yes, Brian was trashed too, so much so that he forgot all about his offer to pick up Justin from Babylon. Justin seems to have forgotten, too...
What, Brian's hallucination didn't count for a bit of sex? :P
Thanks for the fun review, Glo. You always make us smile. :D That darned thing called real life has delayed us with the next chapter, but we should have the teaser up soon.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jun 13, 2019 2:08 am Title: Chapter 42: Friday, December 15th
The pain the pain! School and work. Thank goodness Justin managed to get help. Now what about Brian? Exactly what is he up to?
Author's Response:
Yeah, poor Justin. :( And now he's made a bad decision with the drugs. We'll have to see what happens next.
Brian? He's feeling no pain... not yet, anyway. :D
Thanks for commenting, Phyllis. :) After another of those annoying real life delays, we're working on the next chapter.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jun 12, 2019 11:17 pm Title: Chapter 42: Friday, December 15th
Justin is tougher than anyone could possibly imagine. Walking around in agonizing pain all day.
Brian is going to be very angry when he finds out about Sven, the pills, the coke and the two guys who wanted to "play" with him.
Ted and Cynthia are a riot when stoned. Poor Ben. Ha! Would like to be a fly on the wall when he tries to get Ted to bed. Should be fun.
Good thing Brian sent Cynthia home since he had imaginary sex with his Sunshine angel.
Author's Response:
You're right; Justin is one tough kid. He made a very poor decision about the drugs, though, without thinking through the consequences - now comes the fallout. Will Justin spill to Brian about the two guys who wanted to 'play' with him? He’s pretty good at being close-mouthed when he wants to be.
Brian was just as funny as his employees, although he refuses to believe it. :D There are gonna be a lot of flies on the walls of Ben's bedroom! :D Either Ben or Ted has to let slip what happened... or so we hope.
That was a pretty good hallucination that stoned and drunk Brian came up with, right? :P
Thanks for commenting, Sherry. :) We hope to have a teaser for the next chapter up soon. Real life has delayed us again. :/
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jun 12, 2019 10:17 pm Title: Chapter 42: Friday, December 15th
COPIOUS - DRUG USE!!! I think we can safely say, copious upon copious!!!
Brian is going to be sooo pissed at Justin! He'll know. And that little altercation outside of Babylon will probably not escape Brian's knowledge either. And I think Justin is going to REALLY feel his pain in the morning, after dancing and abusing his body throughout the evening. If his balls are STILL that swollen and bruised... he better see a doctor! He shouldn't still be that sore. But, we already know the extra pill Sven 'donated', is going to be put to use.
I loved the humor in the loft. It was classic. And I'm so glad Brian can hold his drugs and alcohol better than Ted and Cynthia!!! (right!) And you did "drunk talk" so well. *grin*
Yay for Ms Gallagher humiliating Hobbs in front of the others, and maybe, just maybe, Nakamura just might have some martial arts training in his background. After all, Hobbs needs to be put to heel. (or am I being unrealistic???)
I've never heard of doing tests with a pencil, eraser, pen and calculater. (Of course the OLD, small town girl that I am) ... but for teachers like Dixon, I can see where that is a very good thing. Otherwise, I'm sure Hobbs and some of the other jocks, would get a lot of help. Hopefully, test scores will rank high for the good guys. I'd love to see Hobbs fail.
Great update you two!!
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
You beat out Phyllis with the first review! :D That's not an easy feat. :D
We can't imagine how Justin could hide his injuries from Brian. He's bound to get plenty more 'encouragement' to go to a doctor, from all sides. He's being such a stubborn, foolish, little twat - to borrow one of Brian's 'endearments'. :P Can you hear us now, Sunshine?
"At least 'someone' recognizes that my tolerance is much greater than Abbott and Costello's." Brian nods in approval before wincing and massaging his aching head.
We had a blast writing the 'drunk talk' together. Did you guess what Cynthia meant with 'clench your plate'? Hmm, we should probably add an end note to clarify that.
Do Ms Gallagher's snide comments mostly go right over Hobbs' head? He’s not the brightest bulb and is way too used to coasting on his jock status...
We followed the current British method for taking tests. To reduce cheating, all final answers have to be rendered in ink. It wasn't like that for Karynn long, long ago, either... as best she can remember anyway. :D
Yes, Hobbs needs to get his just deserts. That has to happen sooner or later, right?
Thanks for the wonderful review, Cathy! :) We hope to have a teaser for the next chapter up soon. We were delayed... again. :/
~ KaBrynn (Karynn & Brynn)