Date: Jan 28, 2022 5:40 am Title: Chapter 34
This story is just amazing. Unbelievable good! Every chapter, every sentence, every word... "mine" That suits them so much better and also fits Brian's character. And no one else will know what is meant when Brian says that one word to Justin. This is so ridiculously romantic! I love it! You made me smile so hard! And I love that careful, slow process of how they get closer and closer and the mutual trust is built more and more. And while Justin still has his doubts, like I said, they're on the right path.

Date: Jun 13, 2019 7:36 am Title: Chapter 34
Nice. I like the slow burn approach. More please. TAG
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.
Date: Jun 11, 2019 12:27 am Title: Chapter 34
I'm not sure where to start here. I went to reread the previous chapter to re-familiarize myself with the story, only to realize that I had somehow missed that chapter. So I started a couple before that, only to realize that wasn't good enough. So I started at the very beginning.
I read very late into the night and continued today until I read all 34 chapters. Every single chapter reduced me to tears. I know I have been remiss in the past from reviewing, but when your insides are virtually ripped apart, it makes it hard to put your thoughts into words, and I found myself just needing to concentrate on breathing for a while.
I've made no qualms with making my feelings about Michael and Lindsay known. And although some authors find ways to make their characters into infamous bad guys, you have taken two canon personalities and situations and built on that.
Michael... his selfishness with going to Brian, when Ben told him to stay out of it started the downward spiral. Sure, as Justin said, they probably would have imploded at the rate they were going, but "the protector of my best friend" was done for purely selfish reasons. If that was bad enough, he was TOLD and WARNED to not go near Justin. So, Michael knowing best, goes to see him. WHY? Because he wants to smooth things over with Brian. He wasn't worried about Justin. He even told him, Brian was so upset, Justin! How could you do that to him? Even though he went there to try to make it right, he STILL couldn't help himself and let his TRUE colors shine through. Then when Todd has info for Brian, Michael gets it out of him, so he can go play hero to Brian once again. THE worst thing Brian could have said to Justin when they were having that heart to heart at Justin's that night was: Michael told me... Brian should count his lucky stars Justin didn't kick him out right then. And why, pray tell, when Michael admitted what he said to Justin out by the dumpster and Debbie was chewing him a new one, WHY was Ben silently supporting Michael? Sure, he showed disappointment, but he also: as he clung to Ben’s hand. .... It was only Ben’s arm around his waist that kept Michael from sinking to the floor ... Michael turned and stumbled towards the front door as Ben guided him with a gentle hand to his lower back. Christ, Ben should have left him to his own devices. Just as Justin was made to. I was really disappointed in that. The fact that Michael has been in counseling, I hope to god, you aren't planning to let all be forgotten and forgiven. The word "Michael" is a word that should not be uttered in Justin presence.
When I read about Mel's visit to Justin in Alex's office, I was thinking that was the most positive thing in Justin's life, and I was so proud of her. But what is this shit about Lindsay bringing Gus to the park? She's like Michael. She will do what SHE wants. I am so pissed at Mel right now. I hope Lindsay was dying a slow painful death watching BRIAN comforting and being with Justin in the park. Knowing she's lost them both.
But peeking through all the horror of Justin's downfall of depression, we have seen the beauty and support of his friends, and a new and better Brian emerge. Then we get treated to the beauty of your writing with phrases like this: But as dawn creeped through the windows and the sunrise kissed his face... Kerri, that is so beautiful.
This story hits me on so many levels. I don't think anyone realizes the number of hours you have probably put in dissecting each episode in order to bring this story to life. It's hard to find the words to tell you how powerful and amazing this story is and to say I loved it is an understatement. Thank you for this writing and sharing this story.
HUGS ~Cathy
Author's Response:
Thanks, Cathy, I appreciate it. xx

Date: Jun 10, 2019 4:49 pm Title: Chapter 34
Amazing chapter, as usual! Thank you for the update!
Gus and Justin: what a beautiful love! I'm wondering if Justin loves Gus because he is part of Brian, a very innocent part that doesn't hesitate to show his love for "Jussin". I also think that Gus is helping Justin to heal, to restore his ability to feel and to be touched.
Brian is making tremendous improvements and getting closer and closer to a better relationship with Justin. The light touches on the hair and the light kisses are a proof that he learnt his lesson.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.
Date: Jun 10, 2019 2:55 pm Title: Chapter 34
Holy shit! God, I've missed you & this story! Kerri, you are fabulous babe! This was perfect! Brian & Justin are making huge strides together, good for them. I'm glad life has slowed down some for you, hope you're doing well. Thanks for this, I really needed it....(((hugs)))
Author's Response:
Missed you too, babe.

Date: Jun 10, 2019 12:40 pm Title: Chapter 34
Nice to see that Brian really wants them to work. Also that Gus is happy to see Justin. Wonder where Lindsay went.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.
Date: Jun 10, 2019 3:35 am Title: Chapter 34
Welcome back! I absolutely love this story. So glad that you are able to write again. Life is very hectic and I appreciate that you found time to update. I will always wait for you to write this story. Good luck in your life and happy writing!
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.

Date: Jun 10, 2019 1:54 am Title: Chapter 34
Welcome back. So worth the wait for such an amazing chapter. You have written their emotions perfectly. FANTASTIC. Hope all is going well.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.

Date: Jun 09, 2019 5:13 pm Title: Chapter 34
Why Do You Keep Making Me Cry? (Don't Stop! ;))
Brian is doing good by moving slow and letting Justin find his own footing by doing that he is giving both of them the chance to process and adjust to a changing landscape that they are creating themselves without others opinions.
Justin is working to find pieces of who he was pre-bashing and add them to the man he is now so that they can mesh without feeling he is fighting himself for control.
Brian is seeing the value in using his words by being more honest with himself as well with Justin, they are seeing a future in the distance that is moving closer everyday because they are taking the time to first discover themselves, then discover What They Want from each other to make Their New Relationship work.
It isn't about burying what the had in the past because some it was good good but now that they are communicating and keeping everyone out they are building a new path to their own Happiness.
Justin isn't ready to truly deal with how everyone's hand played a part in the pain he felt just had, he is taking one step to see who he feels okay with and who he isn't ready to be around just yet.
Lindsay is pushing for a forgiveness she hasn't earned yet due to Justin not ready to as anything other than the other villain in his story.
The cruelty of a false friend, parent or lover is not easily repaired it takes time and patiences for Forgiveness not be given.
Thanks For the Update, So Worth The Wait😃
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.