Date: Dec 12, 2019 6:01 pm Title: Chapter 22: Family Planning
Hi again! „Michael - he's the jealous monster who lives in all of us" - that‘s a perfect description or definiton!
Do you know already the story „In quest of something" (ebbj9891)? Sometimes, they say I love you, but - in my opinion - not too often... It‘s such a great story, also funny, with angsty moments but also very often so cute and beautiful. I think, it‘s only published on „archive of our own".
By the way, Kinney is a great name for a cat and I‘m sorry about your loss. I‘ve lived together with two cats for about 17 years. They were really my roommates and for a long time my children. We were a „family" :-)
Again, what a perfect chapter! So beautiful and hilarious! The full Taylor-force! Poor Brian :-) It‘s great to see, that Molly and Brian are so comfortable around and with each other. „She followed me around... It felt very familiar." :-) And even better... „One Taylor will respect me in my home and the ship has sailed on that one" - magnificent! So many terrific moments! But who does Brian want to fool? He has completely under the spell of theTaylor family (except, of course, Craig). In them, he finally found the family he never had. And yeah,it‘s really a good idea to erase (most of) S5 from our memory. What I did love was this scene between Brian and Jennifer at the loft, when he told her about the proposal. I think, she really wanted Brian to be her son-in-law and I think that was not just because of their common preference of younger men...
Such a beautiful and cute moment when Brian takes care of both Taylors by massaging Justin‘s hand and painting Molly‘s toenails! And it‘s great how you let Justin explain the diffenrence between his passion for painting and love for animation.
„These Taylor kids were immune to all the "go away and leave me alone" vibes I had been perfecting for well over...let's just say a long time" - Oh, just thanks! You made me smile and laugh so much with this chapter!
Oh, and then this family discussion. I must admit, I also like mpreg-stories - it‘s fiction, so, who cares - some of them are so beautiful and well written... „I imagined those eyes on a kid and the way he was biting his lip like he was about to get in trouble, was just, I could just see it for a moment" - I think, that describes it in the best way, why I like those stories in which the have a child on their own (mpreg or one of them with a woman, but please not Lindsay!!!).
And I agree with Justin's dissatisfaction with the expression "start a family". Unfortunately, we humans have such fixed definitions for many things and you may only become more sensitive if you drop out of certain schemes. So, thanks so much for this amazing chapter!
Author's Response:
I do know "In Quest of Something" - I like it but I don't love it. Or, more specifically, there are parts I like and parts I don't. But overall it was such a fun series to read.
Our pets are very much our family, so thank you for your condolences. :)
Brian is powerless against the Taylor-trifecta (not Craig, obviously!). And he's not fooling anyone. They're the family he deserves. They love him but no one lets him get away with shit. At least in my imagination, Molly grows up to be just as smart and sassy as Justin and Jennifer. And yup, the scene where Jennifer says she wishes Brian would be her son-in-law is one of those few scenes in S5 that I can bear.
There are so many stories I love where Justin or Justin and Brian have a child. It's been done so well. But here I wanted to express myself and my own decision to not have children through Justin. And, of course, my own frustration with the phrase "to start a family."

Date: Jun 28, 2019 5:50 am Title: Chapter 22: Family Planning
What an accurate quote: "‘Start a family.’ What heteronormative bullshit. Like it takes having a child to be a family."
Poor Brian: having 2 Taylors can be high on emotions; I would say that he manages the situation very well, considering how bratty they can be. I imagine Brian painting toes... How fabulous Emmett would find that!
Author's Response:
If anyone can handle two Taylors, it’s Brian! I’m glad you liked the toenail painting, that was fun to write. I love Brian being surprising in these little ways.

Date: May 26, 2019 5:01 pm Title: Chapter 22: Family Planning
Great update. Happy that Molly and Justin get along so well and of course, she adores Brian. Wonderful writing.
Author's Response:
Molly is the little sister Justin and Brian both deserve. Thank you for reading!
Date: May 26, 2019 4:13 am Title: Chapter 22: Family Planning
Good on Justin! Parenthood isn’t for everyone and it’s mature of him to accept that. TAG
Author's Response:
I’m biased because I’ve chosen to not have children! I also liked the idea of a more ambivalent Brian

Date: May 26, 2019 1:06 am Title: Chapter 22: Family Planning
It's nice to have Molly there. Justin is more daring and even if he's anxious he overcomes it for her. Love the explanation of why he doesn't want a kid of his own.
Author's Response:
Molly was fun to write! And yeah Justin has no interest in having a kid (besides Gus)!