Date: Jul 18, 2019 6:25 pm Title: Reconnect and the Redolence of Remembrance and Revenge
hehe... Payback time Michael!!! Mercy and Billy are going to get you back for terrorizing them during their teen years! Pumping that cigar smoke in is classic! He won't be able to get rid of it no matter how much he sprays.
Did you REALLY have to put that part in there about him grabbing his cock?!? I think I just vomited in my mouth!
I'm looking so forward to seeing what else Mercy will have playing! I'm most certain it will go down hill from Faintaway!
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: May 21, 2019 2:00 am Title: Reconnect and the Redolence of Remembrance and Revenge
More trouble for Mikey. Yeah. He deserves it. Terrific writing.

Date: May 20, 2019 6:01 pm Title: Reconnect and the Redolence of Remembrance and Revenge
Michael has some nerve thinking Lindsay is delusional about going to Hollywood (She Very Delusional!) while he is being delusional about what he did to Mercy.
So will Lindsay be sweeping at one of the studios or will she be another gawker standing at the gates hoping to catch a glimpse of talent that she will never have? lol
Michael going to jail is good but making him suffer first is Way Better!😂
Justin is finding himself again he just needed to let the anger and fear out.

Date: May 20, 2019 4:17 pm Title: Reconnect and the Redolence of Remembrance and Revenge
Are Billy and Marguerite new in the story?
Author's Response:
Hey, no they were in the London part of the story - well Marguerite was, Billy was mentioned, she is Mercy's sister and he is her brother in law. Billy was Mercy's first boyfriend who she pretended to dump because Michael was being such a nuisance. She was with him for three years - long distance - until he met Marguerite.
Hope that helps.
Happy reading.

Date: May 20, 2019 1:14 pm Title: Reconnect and the Redolence of Remembrance and Revenge
Good that Brian got Justin to talk. Michael doesn't seem to thing he's got problems.