Date: Jul 18, 2019 5:11 pm Title: The Light Starts to Shine on the Dark Knight
I forgot to comment on that kidnapping. That was kind of sudden too. One chapter Craig was talking to Justin, the next Justin was Kidnapped, and now we find out it was for two weeks!
Funny how even while masked, Brian turned Michael down. THAT gave me momentary giggles. Isn't that just like Michael? Try to deceive the blindfolded!
Yay they set Michael up good! But that conversation with Ethan was downright petty and cruel! It all stemmed from R.E.V.E.N.G.E. I have to wonder if Michael knew how Ethan felt about Justin! Did Michael have foreknowledge of Bellweather's party?
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: May 20, 2019 3:56 pm Title: The Light Starts to Shine on the Dark Knight
2 nasty and jealous guys can't generate something good.

Date: May 08, 2019 1:10 am Title: The Light Starts to Shine on the Dark Knight
Oh, that evil Michael. Just love to hate him. Great update. Wonderful writing.

Date: May 07, 2019 5:48 pm Title: The Light Starts to Shine on the Dark Knight
Can Michael be charged as an accomplice to Ethan kidnapping Justin?
That moron let his jealousy and spite lead him to try to destroy anyone who doesn't do what he wants and those same emotions will lead to his downfall.

Date: May 07, 2019 12:37 pm Title: The Light Starts to Shine on the Dark Knight
Lots of hints, but nothing said directly.