Date: May 04, 2019 7:29 am Title: Chapter 41: Thursday, December 14th
Brian is doing well with Kinnetik but Justin is having a bad day. I hope he's going to tell Carl that he can not let Hobbs do that. Nice to see a new update Ladies!!
Author's Response:
Poor Justin. :( We're hoping he'll tell Carl, but the blond can be a foolishly stubborn twat (to borrow Brian's word).
Thanks so much for commenting, Marie-france. :) We're chuffed that you're still reading. Real life is still being a pain, but we are working on the next chapter. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: May 04, 2019 2:16 am Title: Chapter 41: Thursday, December 14th
Well well well, Justin certainly knows how to take care of Brian doesn't he? Oh my....that was hot!
Poor Justin needs to cut back, he's going to be a walking zombie and someone needs to kick Chris Hobbs ass!
I like plot as much as the next person but can we have less school time & more flirty/sexy time please? Lol
And will the case of the robbery become more prevalent soon? Tell us Michael is part of it.....hmmmmmmm
Author's Response:
You enjoyed that NSFW opening scene, huh? Karynn may have gotten a trifle 'hot' writing it. :P
Chris Hobbs is such a coward. There's no way, if he can help it, that he'll give Justin a fair chance to fight back.
Sherry voiced the same concern about Justin taking on too much. He's bound to realize that soon and find a better balance - right? Do you hear us, Sunshine?
Greedy Glo... what else is there for us to say? :D Even a steamy sex scene isn't enough for you. :D Hmm, maybe at some point in the future we can lock the boys in the loft for twenty-four hours... how does that sound?
Our intrepid detectives are being incredibly close-mouthed about the burglary. They've assured us, though, that they are still investigating.
Thanks for the fun review! We'd mention the teaser in the FanDoc, but you doubtless read it immediately after digesting this latest chapter. We are working on the next installment – now RL needs to stop being a total PITA…
~ KaBrynn
Date: Apr 30, 2019 12:49 am Title: Chapter 41: Thursday, December 14th
Onions and vinegar,yeah great way to start a new business.. Ha!
Omg Justin. He's going to be bruised. At least his knees from dropping down hard and fast. Brian's going to notice. Something really bad needs to happen to Chris. Something the there could be no retaliation. He so dersrves it. Bastard!
I think Justin is taking on too much. All these test, studying for finals, and possibly another language. When would he find time to a teenager?
Author's Response:
Brian doesn't want to hear about onions or vinegar ever again. He should be so lucky. :P
Justin's probably indulging in a bit of wishful thinking as far as his injuries vanishing quickly. :( Poor kid.
Hobbs gets our blood boiling as we write about him. Cowardly cretin. He'd better keep an eye out for Justin's sidekicks, when they (inevitably) find out what happened.
Justin is definitely taking on too much but, hopefully, he'll find the right balance of work and fun soon :)
Thanks for another wonderful review, Sherry. :) A teaser for the next chapter is available in the FanDoc.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Apr 29, 2019 4:14 pm Title: Chapter 41: Thursday, December 14th
The beginning is hot as hell!!! Brian is very open!
The end is so disturbing: I hope that someone will take care of Chris and that he will stop hurting Justin.
Thanks for this amazing update!
Author's Response:
We're glad you enjoyed the first scene. :D Brian certainly relished his visit from the blond blowjob fairy. :D
Yeah, we want someone to take care of Hobbs too. Such a cowardly, closeted wanker. :/
Thanks for reviewing, Claire. We have posted a teaser for the next chapter in the FanDoc, although we are, unfortunately, nowhere near finished with the next chapter. We'll keep working on it, though!
~ KaBrynn

Date: Apr 29, 2019 8:05 am Title: Chapter 41: Thursday, December 14th
"blond blowjob fairy" Brian's so onto Justin. Kinnetic is on its way up. Hope Brian would convince Justin to work with him, so leave GGB work. Enjoyed banters of Cynthis, Ted, Brian.
I feel for Justin. Frau is so kind, hope she & Daph, Syd will kick the hell out of Chris. Most importantly Kinney's reaction of this attack on Sunshine. Payback is needed.
Thankyou for update. hugs !:)
Author's Response:
We love that blond blowjob fairy almost as much as Brian does. :D
Oops! I forgot a couple of the women when I responded to YumYumPM's review. Frau Rose and the monitor, Angela, should definitely be added to the mix.
We'll have to see whether Justin fesses up to Brian and, if so, how the stud reacts. You didn't actually expect us to reveal all the plotty goodness to come, did you? :D
Thanks for being such a faithful reviewer, Pushpanjali. :) We're working on the next chapter - now if RL would just stop being such a royal pain.
Hugs back atcha.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Apr 28, 2019 11:22 pm Title: Chapter 41: Thursday, December 14th
How wonderful to see another chapter. Things are looking up for Kinnetik, shame the same can't be said for Justin. Somehow you must get back at Hobbs, maybe all the girls?
Author's Response:
Thanks for again being the first to review, Phyllis. :)
Siccing all the women on Hobbs - Daphne, Sydney, Origami Girl, Detective Wen, Debbie, even Cynthia - isn't a bad idea. Hobbs would never survive! We'll have to whisper a suggestion in their ears.
A teaser for the next chapter in available in the FanDoc, and we're working, albeit slowly, on the next chapter. RL - nasty infections on one side and a thesis on the other - should be banished!
~ KaBrynn