Date: Dec 10, 2019 5:34 pm Title: Chapter 20: Text Me When You Get There
Hi! It's good to see the boys are getting a break. So some fluff is welcomed!
I would have loved to read more about this scene with Brian and the "four" kids :-)
"Ted just asked if I got you anything. Was I supposed to?" - that's so cute and so Brian! And I love that they don't care about those days - you let them show each other very often how much they love each other...
Getting off through - what do you call this? - text sex during a business phone call... haha :-)
What about Ru Kinney-Taylor? :-)
That was a great chapter and I really would have loved to read more of their beautiful, cute and funny moments, but even better is the fact, that Brian's finally more often at home again... But you let them be so beautiful together no matter what they do...
Author's Response:
Thank you so much!
This one was fun to write but also a challenge because you know Brian and Justin aren't pouring their hearts out by text and so much of their communication is by action so the limitations made it a challenge. I'm glad I did it successfully.
LOL I can't write Brian and Ted taking care of the kids - I don't know kids well enough to make it realistic.
And I think it's called "sexting" haha.
Ru would probably be Ru Taylor-Kinney. Ru is actually based on the cat my wife had when I met her whose name was...Kinney. I had never watched the show before and she got to introduce me. Kinney, the cat, has since passed.

Date: May 04, 2019 8:22 pm Title: Chapter 20: Text Me When You Get There
Fun chapter. Love the way you did it all in text . TAG
Author's Response:
Thank you! All text was challenging but fun to write!

Date: Apr 16, 2019 4:04 pm Title: Chapter 20: Text Me When You Get There
Excellent exchange; very entertaining and delightful.
I really loved these:
What the fuck is that thing? A horse tranquilizer?
But dumb as a box of hammers.
Author's Response:
Haha! Yay! I’m glad the humor came through!
Date: Apr 13, 2019 2:26 pm Title: Chapter 20: Text Me When You Get There
Ash they're so cute even when apart. Love how they look out for each other.
Author's Response:
Thank you! Yes - they are a team.

Date: Apr 12, 2019 2:05 pm Title: Chapter 20: Text Me When You Get There
Wow. And they didn't have to say a word.
Author's Response:
Exactly! You got it :)

Date: Apr 12, 2019 1:59 pm Title: Chapter 20: Text Me When You Get There
Wow, this was great. Only Brian and Justin could make texting so much fun and sexy. I do read LaVieEnRose. I love reading it, but all that they are going through makes me so sad. She is an amazing writer to be able to keep coming up with new ideas to continue their story.
Author's Response:
Thank you! The texting only thing was hard because they’re not big on saying things! So I’m glad it worked as a device.
She does put Justin through a lot but, to me at least, there’s always a through line of hope and happiness. But we do need to know what we enjoy and what we don’t. I know I can’t read anything where either Justin or Brian die even though I know many of those fics are well-writtten. It’s all so personal what we can and can’t read.