Date: Apr 03, 2020 9:10 pm Title: Chapter 5: Meeting the Parents
A bit confused as Craig & Jen just meet Gus & Brian in this chapter. But at the beginning of chapter 2 it says they already met Brian and adopted Gus & Hunter as their grandchidren. Maybe a mix up in stories?
Still enjoying it though.
Deb L
Author's Response:
It's a been a while so I'll probably set it as a flashback as to how they met

Date: Mar 28, 2020 4:57 pm Title: Chapter 5: Meeting the Parents
Jennifer is a force to reckoned with so.I pity anyone who gets in her as side or hurts any member of her family, going fetal.might actually be nicer than what she will have planned.
Ethan came for the money now that he has been denied th a he can slink into Hell where he belongs.
After Brian and Justin make up they have got to make a plan to deal with whatever Lindsay and Mel come up with next.
Date: Mar 20, 2020 8:18 pm Title: Chapter 5: Meeting the Parents
good one
Date: Aug 09, 2019 2:06 am Title: Chapter 5: Meeting the Parents
Love it, thanks for update

Date: Apr 02, 2019 1:30 am Title: Chapter 5: Meeting the Parents
Jennifer kidnapped the kids? What an interesting turn of events. Ethan is in for it just like Mel and Linds.

Date: Apr 01, 2019 10:38 pm Title: Chapter 5: Meeting the Parents
Great update. Terrific writing. Hope you continue the story. It is so good.
Date: Apr 01, 2019 7:19 pm Title: Chapter 5: Meeting the Parents
What a weasle the fiddler is. Would try anything to get a hold of money he didn't even earn himself. He's as bad as the girls.
I like how Craig and Jenn are so accepting. Also that Craig thought ahead and got that restraining order.
Brian doesn't yet realize how lucky he is having Justin and all that come with him in his life. He will soon enough.

Date: Apr 01, 2019 6:04 pm Title: Chapter 5: Meeting the Parents
So worth the wait! I loved this chapter! Looking forward to MORE!