Date: Dec 08, 2019 10:32 am Title: Chapter 17: Sharp Turn
Hi! In my opinion, you absolutely let Brian stay in character and let him also develop, mature, grown up. And yeah, I totally agree, he loves Justin so much and that was often showed in the serie, in little gestures, in looks, when they kissed... On the other hand, there were often also so hurtful moments between them, also sometimes just in looks. But that's also what makes their whatever this is between them so interesting, so unique, so complex. I don't know. I'm absolutely crazy about them, as I said before, for me, they are the most beautiful couple in the whole film history. I don't know how Gale Harold and Randy Harrison managed this, this chemistry between them.
Oh, that's interesting that you work in mental health. Explains why you manage to write this so detailed and in such a sensitive way! I like the explanation that one of the reasons why Ethan happened was Justin's loss of the ability to understand Brian's non-verbal-communication. He really lost so much because of the bashing...
The beach scene. I haven't thought about prom, but that's a really beautiful thought!
This chapter... I know, I repeat myself, but I just can't help it, I love this chapter very much! Again, it's amazing and Brian's thoughts during this car-ride made me smile. "Now that I've signed up for it, he is absolutely not allowed to quit on me." And I've exactly the same view about their ability to have relationships with other people. That's why I can't stand or read stories in which Brian develops serious feelings or a serious relationship with other men, because for me, he represents this guy who only really loves once in a lifetime and that's Justin. And I can't imagine him getting involved in an average relationship. Regarding Justin I would say, he‘s able to fall in love more often or he has the ability to be in other relationships even if it's not the biggest love of his lifetime because that's not possible, because this place is already occupied by Brian. :-)
I've got a question, maybe it's my english... Justin has a therapist, Regina... Why has he now another psychiatrist? And oh goodness, give the poor boy a break! :-) I feel so sorry for him! We've read in chapter 4 the summarize of everything Justin's been through so far. Then he's misdiagnosed with depression and suffers through each day with violent thoughts and desperate fears. Then fortunately he found a competently therapist and gets finally the help he needs. Then the medication which helps him has these side-effects of losing his sex-drive and therefore he takes other medication which leads to a seizure... Again, who could blame Justin... Sex has always played an important role between them and I could understand if he would fear also a little bit Brian's reaction... Think about the cancer and how Brian behaved. But it's not only about Brian. Hey, Justin is around 22! Who would want to lose interest in sex at this age? What I really love here is, how you let them handle such issues together with fewer and fewer problems. Not only has Brian grown up, they also develop together as a couple in the right direction! And I'm sooo curious about the way Brian'll bring up the domestic partnership!! And by the way, great ending of an awesome chapter! :-) Warmest regards!
Author's Response:
Sorry about the delay in responding! Life has been hectic but I finally have a break at work.
So the mental health system is confusing, even for someone for whom English is their first language. Therapists (psychologists, clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists) provide counseling but cannot prescribe medications. Psychiatrists have a medical degree and can prescribe medications (as can primary care providers, but it's always best to go to a specialist). In the US, at least, because of how insurance works, psychiatrists who take insurance are rare and those who do often just give 15 minute appointments beause they need to see so many patients in one day to make enough money. Justin, being sensitive about money, went to a psychiatrist for his medications who took insurance and didn't get very good care (which would have been a much more thorough medical history). For treatment of many mental health disorders, especially those that are moderate to severe, the gold standard of treatment is usually counseling (CBT, like Justin is getting with Regina) and medication.
I completely agree with you that Brian in a relationship with someone else always makes me upset. For all the reasons you listed and I wrote about (and will continue to write about) Brian will only ever be in a relationship with Justin. Justin, I think, could have a relationship with someone else but very rarely do I like it. And of course no relationship can compare to the great love that is Britin.
Sexual side effects are one of the most common reasons people stop taking their medication! Justin is not to blame. He got poor care and that's not his fault.
Date: Feb 07, 2019 9:20 am Title: Chapter 17: Sharp Turn
Even with the seizure it sounds like good progress is being made.🙂 TAG
Author's Response:
Definitely! Good progress on their relationship, which, let's be honest, is what I care most about!

Date: Feb 07, 2019 4:06 am Title: Chapter 17: Sharp Turn
Self prescribing isn't a good thing. Though his reasoning was a good one.
Author's Response:
Yes it can be very dangerous! The doctor also didn't take a thorough history.
Date: Feb 06, 2019 9:30 pm Title: Chapter 17: Sharp Turn
Great chapter. Hearing all of this from Brian who keeps himself so closed off. Wonderful writing.
Author's Response:
Thank you! One reason I love Brian's POV is getting that insider info.
Date: Feb 06, 2019 9:29 pm Title: Chapter 17: Sharp Turn
Great chapter. Hearing all of this from Brian who keeps himself so closed off. Wonderful writing.
Date: Feb 06, 2019 4:57 pm Title: Chapter 17: Sharp Turn
A little angst to spice up their new life. Self medication in the worst case: Justin wanted to remain sexually active without asking about the side-effects. Too bad: he won't be able to drive for months. The only positive thing is that Brian will certainly act on a partnership.
I find this very accurate for Brian's behaviour: "And with Justin the urge to do everything in my power, short of wrapping him in bubble wrap, to protect him had always been made weird by my desire to also do utterly depraved things to him."
Author's Response:
Thank you! I'm glad you felt I was able to capture Brian in that description. He's my favorite but so hard to keep in-character. And yes, Brian will act on making sure they are legally protected!