Date: Feb 03, 2019 10:59 pm Title: Chapter 40: Tuesday, December 12th
The angst of taking SATs, plus the resulting after test at the diner was to die for. Even better was Ted and Brian's meeting with Ted's former employer and how well that turned out.
Author's Response:
The trials and tribulations of a massively important test like the SAT are relatable for pretty much everyone, right? Syd found just the right way to relieve her anxiety with the one-word game at the diner. :D It turned out well for our favorite blond boy, too, even if the cheerleader did embarrass him mightily. Maybe he should thank Sydney. :D
Thanks for all your wonderful reviews, Phyllis. They're much appreciated.
~ KaBrynnDate: Feb 03, 2019 2:31 pm Title: Chapter 40: Tuesday, December 12th
thank you for update
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Feb 03, 2019 11:34 am Title: Chapter 40: Tuesday, December 12th
The joy of reading �’�😠*dreamily .....
It reminds of my time of NET paper, all same. You nailed every descriptions, every moment, students anxiety, exam instructions.
"You should make a beeping, backing up like that." So do Ted leering at Justin like that. ;) . Love Syd's name game, the whole diner scene , group of them playing it. Micheal's stupidity is given. That underwear should given him clue that Brian & Justin are still together doing it. Btw Thanks David. I'm not gonna eat dumpling now. Yupp!.
Brian should really stop Micheal annoying behave towards Justin. In Qaf directors were like trying to hide Micheal's every wrong behaviour. As at many times Micheal was one to blame.
I love Brian name for Justin "Breathtaking" â¤. One of the name I love Ted's given "Territerial" for Brian is for Justin. Enjoyed it all very much.
You and Ted. :D :D Both proceeding dreamily... :D The 'joys' of those all-important, do or die, standardized tests are really relatable, right? Thanks for letting us know we nailed it. The diner scene was a real hit with our readers. Michael is offended that you don't think he'd be better for Brian than the blond wonderbutt. :P You can look forward to at least one more round of the one-word description game. We may even solicit our readers' input, so keep an eye on the Facebook groups. We're so proud of our favorite brunet stud for 'breathtaking.' Talk about nailing it. :D :D And Ted really did have the last word. Thanks for reviewing, Pushpanjali. :) Our wonderful readers motivate us to keep writing. A snippet for the next chapter is available in the FanDoc if you want to take a peek. ~ KaBrynn
Author's Response:

Date: Feb 03, 2019 10:30 am Title: Chapter 40: Tuesday, December 12th
I loved this chapter he is very funny. The Dinner game was perfect with Michael still so silly. I hope that all will succeed their SAT. I also liked that Brian accepts that Justin had put the alarm and therefore he is not responsible for the burglary. And for the doc Tricky fan there is no automatic translation so it's hard for me to understand but I'm waiting for the updates and I'm never disappointed for everything that happens.
Author's Response:
Thanks for letting us know you enjoyed this latest installment, Marie-france. Maybe you can copy from the FanDoc into Google Translate to get a rough translation? We know the translations sometimes don't make sense; perhaps Alois would be willing to help if you get stuck. That's what a beta is for, right? :P
The diner scene was a hit with all our readers. There will probably be at least one more round of the one-word description game. Maybe Michael will excel? :D :D
It's amazing what three little words - I believe you - can accomplish. We're proud of Brian for reaching the point where he does believe Justin.
Thanks for reviewing. :) It motivates us to keep writing.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Feb 03, 2019 7:46 am Title: Chapter 40: Tuesday, December 12th
I’ve really enjoyed this story so far but especially this chapter. Funny, sweet, sexy... all my favorite things!
Author's Response:
We're made up that you're reading and enjoying our story. :) It looks like we have a few favorite things in common. :)
Thanks for commenting!
~ KaBrynn

Date: Feb 03, 2019 4:44 am Title: Chapter 40: Tuesday, December 12th
Same as the queen said ****
"Wow." Emmett fanned himself with one hand. "You almost made me combust, without removing a single stitch of clothing."***😉
That was a Juicy , Sexy , Erotic Update ...😉😉😃
Game was entertaining ..mikey is still pathetic like always no surprise there... but he sure is a joker of the gang ..so amusing.
Thank you for the Superb update.
Author's Response:
'Juicy' is the word of the day. :D :D
Our favourite queen's reaction is spot-on, as usual.
Thanks for the fun comments, Navneet. :) A snippet for the next chapter is up in the FanDoc if you want to take a peek.
~ Karynn

Date: Feb 03, 2019 2:31 am Title: Chapter 40: Tuesday, December 12th
This is literally me every day....Spot on..😅😅😅
"Ugh, I swear every single pore in my skin is sweating," Sydney complained, wiping off her damp palms on her uniform skirt as the queue inched forward.
"I know, right?" Daphne agreed. "I'm so freaking nervous. If my results on the SAT are bad, my mum will kill me. My dad might even help-"
"How do you think they would do it? Chop you up and feed you to a pack of wild dogs?" the blonde pom-pom girl inquired, gruesome relish dripping from her words.
Justin shivered, no longer bored. He was going to have nightmares if Syd kept this up. He didn't want to say anything and look like a wuss, though.
Author's Response:
It's really relatable, right? It's happened to all of us. :D
~ KaBrynn
Date: Feb 03, 2019 12:51 am Title: Chapter 40: Tuesday, December 12th
So much happening in this chapter.
First, glad the Sats are out if the way. I know they all did well. Nice of OG to make those gifts for Justin.
The game in the diner was fun. Doesn't Brian really know how smart Justin is. Too many things surprise him.
Michael, stupid as usual. Great that Sydney picked up the invested comnent.
Sex as always...🔥 🔥🔥
Author's Response:
Justin, Sydney, and Daphne are all heaving sighs of relief that the SAT is done and dusted. They could relax if it weren't for those pesky finals... Well, and if they didn't have to wait weeks for their results...
OG's a gem and she holds her own with Sydney. :D
Brian has a good idea how smart and talented Justin is, but there are always new things to discover... like all the meanings for 'juicy.'
We're glad the closing scene heated you up too. :P
Thanks for commenting, Sherry!
~ KaBrynn
Date: Feb 03, 2019 12:42 am Title: Chapter 40: Tuesday, December 12th
Holy shit! Justin certainly did make Brian cum undone didn't he? Love it! I'm always up for a good rimming! Oops, did I share too much? "I believe you", that's all it took.
I like that game! Gonna have to try it in my next party setting with friends. We, as QAF fans & fans of this particular fanfic could participate too. That would be fun!
Michael, Michael, Michael.....you poor idiotic fool.....give it up already but seriously, Brian needs to tell him to stop with the fucking insults. Ugh, it's so annoying that he's not defending Justin.
Boy! Did I need this chapter, thank you ladies! Brilliant
Author's Response:
"Ssh!" Brian hisses. "There's no such thing as too much when it comes to rimming."
It's amazing what three words can accomplish. :P
We borrowed the idea for the one-word game from Amy Richards’ post in the QaF U.S. Addiction group. Another instance of no such thing as enough. :D :D We'll have to see what we can come up with so our readers can participate in the next round.
"What are you talking about?" Michael sneers. "I'm way better for Brian than the blond muppet."
Thanks for the entertaining review, Glo! Check out the FanDoc for the teaser for the next chapter.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Feb 03, 2019 12:01 am Title: Chapter 40: Tuesday, December 12th
One thing Michael will never understand is that Brian likes Justin for his witty and smart mind maybe more than for his responsive and willing body.
Ted and Ben are witnessing that and they can see that the attraction is not limited to the physical part.
The "bug" gag is very funny. The game is very revealing as how people are seeing Justin and Brian. Michael's answers were both hilarious and woeful, especially after the rules were explained at least twice.
Author's Response:
Thanks for being the first to review the latest chapter, Claire. :)
Michael is pouting. He's sure he's wittier and smarter than Justin, never mind a whole lot more willing. :P
Fahad really knows how to twit Michael - and he's willingly aided and abetted by Justin and Harry.
The teaser for the next chapter is up in the FanDoc if you want to take a peek.
~ KaBrynn