Date: Mar 02, 2020 7:29 am Title: CHAPTER 1
Reading again so I can refresh my memory... TAG

Date: Feb 26, 2020 5:44 pm Title: CHAPTER 1
Holy Smokes!!!
Michael kidnapped McKenna?
Who Got Shot?
Please Don't Let It Be Justin?
Lindsay left Gus in the car by himself?
Child Endangerment and attempted murder will be added to the charges right?
Michael and Lindsay were going to put the blame on Mel and Vic?
Those A-Holes!!!
I hope there are police outside and McKenna is returned back to Brian and Justin safely?
I wonder if Lindsay was shot and I hope it wasn't fatal cause she do deserves to go to jail.
Glad that Brian and Justin talked about everything and were able to reconnect in their way.
Don't think Deb should be let off the hook just because she hit Michael in a creative way she is just as much to blame as Michael and Lindsay, because she blamed everyone else for Michael's behavior and sided with Michael while ignoring anything or anyone who said Michael isn't an Angel.
Even if she works towards forgiveness I wouldn't trust her because her words like her love is very fickle.
I am eagerly awaiting the next chapter
Thanks For the Update 😃

Date: Jun 09, 2019 6:42 am Title: CHAPTER 1
More, much more please :-)
Author's Response:
Your wish is my command. A new chapter was turned into my beta, tonight.
Thank you for reading and reviewing. It really means a lot to me.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Feb 03, 2019 7:33 pm Title: CHAPTER 1
Looking forward to more chapters
Author's Response:
Thanks so very much for reading and reviewing. I'm happy you liked it, and I'm already working on Chapter two.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Feb 03, 2019 12:49 pm Title: CHAPTER 1
Super début j'espère que vous allez bientôt lire pour la suite, j'ai hâte
merci beaucoup
à très vite j’espère
Author's Response:
Je vous remercie pour vos aimables paroles. Ils signifient vraiment beaucoup.
Merci d'avoir lu et relu.
Travaille déjà au chapitre deux.
HUGS ~ Cathy
Date: Feb 03, 2019 5:59 am Title: CHAPTER 1
Love the pics you included! And I can’t wait for more. I’m excited about this story!
Author's Response:
THANK YOU! That means so very much to me. When I first thought abut the premise, I wasn't sure I could do it, but many notes and pictures later, I thought, WHY NOT? I'm really glad you feel that way. Thanks for reading and reviewing. Already working on chapter two.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Feb 03, 2019 1:21 am Title: CHAPTER 1
Interesting start. Can't wait to read more.
Author's Response:
Thank you for reading and reviewing. It's nice to know you're looking forward to more.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Feb 03, 2019 12:43 am Title: CHAPTER 1
This was really good! I loved reliving 'Night 2' through Justin's POV. It gave the entire chapter life and movement, starting in Babylon and ending with the horror and hilarity of the moment. I could have totally seen a scene like this occurring in the series, sans the whole MPREG thing. LOL!
I can't wait for the PITA ASS-ociation to get caught in their fuckery. I'm sort of hoping that it's Mel or Deb, who finds the evidence of what the idiots have been up to, and BEFORE Brian has a chance to ruin things with Justin. I know it can be deemed as unrealistic, but hey, a gal can live in hope, even as the two resident dumbasses live in their delusions.
I can't wait for the next chapter!
Happy Writing and HUGS,
Author's Response:
Ahh, thanks Nchelle. I was a little leary putting the whole 'lost condom' thing out there, but I wanted something different than the normal condom breakage. I hope it didn't come off a 'yuck' moment. I figured the loft robbery was different too, so hope their reasoning came off okay. At least they can be totally surprised when there really IS a robbery.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Feb 02, 2019 8:31 pm Title: CHAPTER 1
I love the mpreg stories and the anti Michael and anti Lindsey stories. loving it so far and the pics being the story to life. Can't wait for next chapter.
Author's Response:
THANK YOU!!! It was only the last couple of years that I started reading MPreg, and I can honestly say, I never thought it was a story I could write. But this idea struck and wouldn't leave me alone, so, Voila! Here it is! I really hope I can make it believable. And of course, Anti-Michael and Lindsay are my favorite reads, as you will see the demise of Michael in my other two stories.
Thank you for reading and reviewing. It means a lot!
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Feb 02, 2019 5:44 pm Title: CHAPTER 1
Oh wow, this is wonderful. Love how parts of the show are in it. Can't wait to see what journey you will take them on. Fantastic writing.
Author's Response:
THANK YOU!!!! That means so very much to hear you say such wonderful things. And yes, they will have their journeys.
Thanks for reading and reviewing.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Feb 02, 2019 2:09 pm Title: CHAPTER 1
OMGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDD!!!!! I fucking love it! But please don't let Michael and Lindsey get away with their shit too long, I mean let them be told off and keep trying! I love it when they keep trying and their plans keep falling! anyhow I shouldn't be telling you what you do, actually it's not like you need anyone to tell you what to do. BUT PLEASE and you already know um not above begging and whining, don't take too long before updating! Keep it up champ. I'd better shut up. so love and xoxo
Author's Response:
YOU ARE MY HERO WHEN IT COMES TO SUPPORT!!! Already working on the next chapter. I don't think it should be too long. I hope the 'lost condom' wasn't too freakish. I kind of worried about that.
Thanks again Lori. You can't believe how much your reviews mean to me.
HUGS ~Cathy

Date: Feb 02, 2019 1:56 pm Title: CHAPTER 1
The pictures really bring this story to life. Looks like we have two culprits to the robbery.
Author's Response:
Indeed, two culprits. Two conniving, thieving, culprits. Thanks so much for the support.
HUGS ~Cathy
Date: Feb 02, 2019 9:32 am Title: CHAPTER 1
Interesting beginning! Let's see how Brian will react and what Eddie and Joe are planning to do.
Author's Response:
Thanks for reading and reviewing. But, I think we already know how Brian will react. 'Interesting' is good.
Thanks again, HUGS ~Cathy