Date: Jul 17, 2024 11:03 am Title: Chapter 39: Monday, December 11th
Sorry but 'Printed with Pride' sounds like it's a printing company.

Date: Jan 27, 2019 3:03 pm Title: Chapter 39: Monday, December 11th
Excellent chapter ... Cyn and Ted love teasing Brian ...Same with Jus ...vic never misses a chance to make Justin Blush ...that entertains us so live through it only.
Thank u for the Fabulous Update...looking forward for next update.
Author's Response:
Vic saved the day with BOB 2.0. :) And Justin immediately made good use of the toy. :)
Brian frowns, grumbling, "Who the fuck is Bob?"
Thanks for all the wonderful reviews, Navneet. :) We're working on the next chapter, although it will be a while before it's finished. In the meantime, a teaser is available in the FanDoc, if you like to take a peek.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jan 27, 2019 2:09 pm Title: Chapter 39: Monday, December 11th
Had to stop here..cant stop laughing_____He started giggling as he envisioned a trick opening Brian's medicine cabinet, finding the Butt Paste, and running stark naked out of the loft, spreading a rumour that the Stud of Liberty Avenue was really a bottom boy. Not that anyone would believe the trick, of course, but it was a funny image.____
ME GIGGLING LIKE A FOOL HERE😅😅😅😅😅😂😂😂😂 brother is thinking i am laughing at him ...he is glaring at me...😅😅😅😜😜😜😞😒
Author's Response:
That Butt Paste is real! Google it and you'll laugh even harder. :D Share the images with your brother! :P
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jan 26, 2019 7:28 pm Title: Chapter 39: Monday, December 11th
Can't wait for the SAts to be over and winter break to begin. Sick and tired of Dixon ad all his bullshit.
DC is everywhere isn't he? Not surprised McFrland is his cousin.
Nice of Vic to replace BoB, after all it was his nephew that caused for it to be replaced in the first place. Vic should figure out a way to get Michael to repay him. Ha!
Brian and Justin need to move things along. Pick up the pace of getting back together
Author's Response:
You and Justin and the girls - everyone's ready for the SAT and finals week to be over.
DC does get around. :D Where will he pop up next?
BOB 2.0 is a hit, right? :P Whether or not Vic has a ‘talk’ with Michael, he and Harley did a pretty good job of making Mikey squirm in the last chapter.
"Yes! Exactly that!" Brian firmly concurs. "Get that blond boy back to my bed, now."
"Are you ready to tell Justin how you feel?" the authors ask. "You don't have to use those three dreaded words. There are others that will do, you know."
Silence. We'll have to see what happens...
Thanks for commenting, Sherry. :) Btw, you've submitted the 300th review, which means you have a prize to claim. Karynn will be contacting you about that. :)
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jan 21, 2019 9:30 am Title: Chapter 39: Monday, December 11th
The librarian is really nice thankfully that Justin has her. The other teachers are horrible Detective Wen needs to come back. I love Daphne Sydney and Justin more and more. And Vic really BOB 2.0 hahaha
Author's Response:
Some of Justin's other teachers are pretty decent people, if not as special as Frau Rose - she's a real gem. :) Unfortunately, Dixon, Perkins, and Bauer make all the other faculty look bad. Grrr. The administration and faculty had better watch out if Wen has to return to St James!
Aren't Justin, Daphne, and Sydney a hoot together? We're glad you're enjoying them.
BOB, in his new incarnation as BOB 2.0, remains a fan favorite. :D
Thanks for reviewing, Marie-france. :) We've put a snippet for the next chapter in the FanDoc, if you want to take a peek.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jan 20, 2019 9:45 am Title: Chapter 39: Monday, December 11th
*in Brian voice " I'm glad you updated. Thanku, its always a pleasure to read more of this fic."
I love their intimacy. Hot! Hottest couple ever! excited for Brian's next move of his OTR.
I wonder if Mikey ever knew about Brian bottoming for Justin, more than often, hard in nights. Micheal's delusion a** would be farting probably. 🤔*ðŸ˜
Aside from Brian & his *Operation Twat Retrieval, one of my fav. is Justin, Daph, Sydney scenes. Also the snowy atmosphere described during Justin's walking. Hugs to Deb n Vic for taking care Justin (SAT, Bob) .
Kudos for your writing!â¤
Author's Response:
Ooh, Brian is being super polite. He must want us to convince Justin to move back in with him ASAP... yesterday, preferably. :D
OTR? What the fuck is that? Brian wants to know. My one true rump, maybe? Yeah, yeah, keep believing that, big guy.
That might be too mild a reaction if Michael ever finds out about Brian bottoming for Justin, but it would certainly raise a stink. lolol
Thanks for letting us know what you enjoyed most about the chapter. It's great how each reader almost always has one fave that is different from everyone else's - in this case, the snowy atmosphere. :)
Thanks for reviewing, Pushpanjali. We got a kick out of your comments. :) The teaser for the next chapter is available in the FanDoc, if you want to take a peek.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jan 20, 2019 2:39 am Title: Chapter 39: Monday, December 11th
Okay question: why on earth would Justin put a condom on his own personal sex toy? Lol
I guess it was too much to expect B/J actually together in 2 chapters huh? I thought Brian was picking up Daph & Justin from school?? Did I miss something?
Author's Response:
He didn't want to have to clean off the dildo before using it - probably had residue from the plastic casing, and he couldn't know how it had been handled when it was packaged. :D Hence, the condom.
Pay attention, girl! You must've been too busy salivating over Justin and Brian's reunion in chapter 38 (Sunday) to realize that he'll pick Justin and Daphne up on Tuesday, after the SAT. :P Just kidding - we're forever fact checking ourselves.
Thanks for reviewing, Glo. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jan 20, 2019 2:15 am Title: Chapter 39: Monday, December 11th
Thanks for update
Author's Response:
You're welcome. :) Our pleasure.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jan 19, 2019 9:57 pm Title: Chapter 39: Monday, December 11th
So happy to see a new chapter!
I love this part, revealing how deep Brian is missing Justin: "It wasn't only the sex that he missed either; it was the intimacy of sleeping together, waking up with one of them wrapped around the other, skin to skin. Heck, he even missed the less desirable elements - pointy elbows jabbing him, morning breath, poorly-timed farts, the smallish teenager taking up most of the bed so that Brian almost ended up on the floor."
And BOB 2.0! What a great gift!
St James is such an awful place, except for the library.
Author's Response:
Karynn takes a bow for Brian's revelations about how much he misses Justin. When Alois (our beta) read that, she commented: LMAO! Missing morning breath... Brian, you’re officially insane 😂
Vic really came through with BOB 2.0, and our blond immediately put it to good use. We wonder whether the noise filtered all the way downstairs for Vic to enjoy. :P
At least Justin now has Sydney as well as Daphne in his corner. In addition, of course, to Frau Rose. Most of his other teachers are decent people, but Dixon (and Perkins and Bauer) make all the faculty seem suspect.
Thanks for reviewing, Claire. We're already working on the next chapter.
~ KaBrynn

Date: Jan 19, 2019 9:25 pm Title: Chapter 39: Monday, December 11th
So much goodness, where to start. Love the Syd, Daph, and Justin parts. Love the librarian, hopefully Justin will be able to award her with a new computer when he graduates. Everything about the bookstore was enjoyable especially when DC showed up. Vic was a favorite with replacing BOB with BOB 2.0. I'm curious was the last part a dream sequence or was Brian really there?
Author's Response:
Thanks for once more being the first to review, Phyllis, and for letting us know which parts of the chapter you liked the most.
Justin may not get Frau Rose a computer, but there's no doubt she's his favorite teacher or that he's a favorite students of hers. :) GDocs keeps pushing to change 'collage' to 'college,' so maybe a computer isn't out of bounds as a gift. :D
The last scene was Justin fantasizing. He must've done a little too good a job of blurring the line between reality and fantasy.
~ KaBrynn