Date: Jan 27, 2019 1:53 pm Title: Chapter 38: Sunday, December 10th
Fuh gah ....OMG...OMG...THIS CHAPTER was Absolutely Fuh gah Amazing ...LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEEEEEEDDDDD IT.
This part was Adorable and so cute (don't tell Brian 😉 please)👇👇
"I think he misses your long hair, Sunshine," Brian whispered into Justin's ear. "So do I," he breathed out, the words barely audible.
"Yeah?" Justin turned his head, a shit-eating grin on his face.
Twat. Brian could almost hear the words whirling around in the blond's head - You sooo care about me. Brian Kinney cares about me.😘ðŸ˜
This one was hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
"It's my boyfriend!" Michael instantly shot off the couch and trotted over to the door.
The blond snickered, a Cheshire Cat-like grin on his face.
A beat later, Debbie started laughing. "Sunshine, you did that on purpose!"
The little shit, Brian mused admiringly.😅😅😅
This one...omg i literally had a spoon in mouth full of Halwa ( sweet pudding) thank God it was not liquidy i would have thrown up.
***Gag me with a spoon***
Gus is damn adorable just like his Dada (don't mention this to Brian pls)
At last the sex ....finally ..😙😙😙😙😙😙😙
After centuries it happened and that too both ways😉😉😉 ...huh...took me by surprise ...i was not expecting it...so soon.....NOT...😄😄
Author's Response:
Yes! A fuh gah amazing chapter! The best rating ever.
Brian's still busy trying to figure out who in the heck that BOB fucker is, so he's not paying attention to us. :P
That blond boy is really, really sneaky... :D :D He's taken a leaf out of Debbie's book. :D
Yikes! You wouldn't want to waste halwa on those gag-inducing endearments.
"What was that?" Brian looks around alertly. "Who'd you accuse of being adorable?" *pregnant pause* "Oh, my Sonnyboy. That's okay. The little blond twat is kinda adorable too."
B/J 'live' sex for the first time since the first chapter! Woohoo!
Thanks for the wonderful comments - and for making us laugh - Navneet. We love hearing about what the highlights of the chapter were for you.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jan 23, 2019 8:41 pm Title: Chapter 38: Sunday, December 10th
Eww! How hard up is Michael that he'd even touch someone else's sex toy? Poor BoB. Poor Harley.
Twink retrieval is going well Brian. It's just going to take a bit longer.
I loved Brian and Gus. No socks. Like father like son. Brian hates wearing them. And Gus' new word, yeah Mel's at fault for that. It was such a nice peaceful afternoon until Mikey and the gang showed up. Justin gave back exactly what the mama boy deserved.
Living apart or together, their sex is always always hot.
Author's Response:
It's difficult to imagine what Michael could have been thinking when he BOB-napped Justin's toy, but 'irrational jealousy' probably comes the closest. Thankfully, Vic's right - Justin doesn't need to worry that Michael would have used the toy. Okay, enough of that brain bleach-worthy topic. Bleurgh.
"This whole patience thing is getting old," Brian mutters. "As long as it ends with the blond boy back in my bed, though, I guess I can hold out a little longer..."
Gus really is a chip off the old block, huh?
The heat factor is always off the charts with those two men. :)
Thanks for reviewing, Sherry. :) We were made up to hear from you.
~ KaBrynn
Date: Jan 05, 2019 8:03 pm Title: Chapter 38: Sunday, December 10th
Please update, love it
Author's Response:
We're thrilled you've discovered and are enjoying our story. :) We're working on the next chapter now, but it will be a while before it's ready.
Thanks for commenting. :) Happy New Year!
~ KaBrynn

Date: Dec 25, 2018 10:14 am Title: Chapter 38: Sunday, December 10th
Thank you very much for this Christmas Gift Ladies! It's a long chapter but it's amazing. I like Brian and Gus. So Michael is really behind the disappearance of BOB he is so childish even Gus does better than him. I hope Vic is not too sick. Justin can tell him his reunion with Brian it will please him LOL. Happy Holidays for you two!!
Author's Response:
Thank you in return for the gift of a review, Marie-france. <3 We're thrilled you're still following our story.
You're not the only one to comment that Gus is more mature than Michael - a sad state of affairs for the thirty-year old. *snicker *
We're all pulling for Vic to get better; he may just need to have his meds adjusted. You could be right, though, that hearing about Justin and Brian's reunion - in detail - would perk him up even more. :P
Happy New Year!
~ KaBrynn
Date: Dec 25, 2018 8:49 am Title: Chapter 38: Sunday, December 10th
A Christmas joy reading. Loved it.â¤
Thankyou Harley for spitting on face of the BOB-napper Micheal , he been always shitty to Justin through series. More I watch, the less i like him. Mikey is 31 yrs closet brat don't know when to shut up...badmouthed behind Brian. His nature is such manuplating.
Vic don't justifies on Micheal's behalf. Let Micheal face his f**kups. I bet Micheal is behind the robbery(also in show cause Justin been new, doesn't mean careless, directors & writers didn't cleared that robbery matter) . Truth will come out, it can't be hidden
Love the Father-Son time, Justin nearly blushing all over Gus, Harley, Vic & Deb banterings. Gus's "Dad Fuh Jusshhin" sounds like reminder. Wish Vic's health get good. Love understanding between Ted & Ben. Also David and Ben's take on Justin in undies. ðŸ˜
Happy holidays & have a great year 2019. 😊
Author's Response:
The perfect exchange for Christmas and New Year's - we write and post, and you review. Thanks, Pushpanjali. <3 It doesn't get better than that.
Harley got the perfect revenge for Michael's BOB-napping and dumping the dildo in his cage. Although Vic isn't blind to Michael's sometimes childish behavior, he doesn't know how awful Michael is to Justin, since the teenager doesn't 'tattle' to Vic.
The theory that Michael is behind the robbery is a very popular one. We'll have to wait for Carl and Wen to complete their investigation, however, to find out whether he's the culprit. The two detectives refuse to be rushed, so we can't say when the truth will come out.
Yay, another convert to 'Bented'. :D So far, all our readers like the pairing.
Many thanks for more lovely compliments - we're chuffed that you enjoyed this chapter so much.
We wish you a great 2019 as well. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Dec 24, 2018 2:35 pm Title: Chapter 38: Sunday, December 10th
Merry Christmas Eve!!! What a wonderful Christmas present! Thank you! So long...so awesome! Love Brian & Gus together! The girls putting Brian down always makes me cringe, their ridiculous sometimes.
Of course Michael took BOB, what a dick, pun intended. Totally think he had something to do with the robbery too but I'm sure we won't find out about that for a while right?
You guys should definitely get all these recipes together & post them in your doc, I would love to try some.
Vic is the best, I hope he's okay...I understand him trying to justify Michaels'actions but come on, he's thirty years old, grow up man! Just accept the fact that Brian is NOT your soulmate. Ugh! The whole wine thing, Michael is such an ignorant shit sometimes. At least David admitted he was mistaken. Sheesh!
Brian & Justin are both such cock teasers! All that flirting & touching....love it! Then finally, they did it and Justin topped Brian to boot! So hot! Glad Justin got him thru that traumatic memory smoothly. And he left him wanting more, that was the icing on the cake.
Love the name Justin came up with for the bookstore!
Ben & Ted are freaking adorable!
Fucking Harley has some mouth, I mean beak on him huh?
I can't believe it's only Dec 10th in this story, seems like Justin should be on vacation already.
Have a great holiday ladies! Buon Natale!
Author's Response:
Happy New Year! Glo. We'll gladly take your wonderful review in exchange for our awesome chapter. :) Feel free to gush - anytime. :)
The girls sometimes have blinders on where Brian is concerned; they're used to seeing him a certain way.
You're right. There may be a few chapters to go before we find out who was responsible for the robbery. Regardless, Michael's still a muppet. :P
Hmm, a recipe section in the FanDoc. Maybe. But we'd better concentrate on writing a new chapter first. Just let us know, though, if you want the recipes first, kay? In the meantime, feel free to send us any Italian recipes you'd like to see in the story.
Good to hear we lived up to your B/J expectations with this chapter. :D Now, how long will it take Brian to entice Justin back to his bed... that is the question.
Credit for 'Printed with Pride' goes to sophiesmom (Sherry). Justin was happy to appropriate it, though.
Harley definitely has a dirty beak. :D
We're made up that you like 'Bented.'
Five days till Justin is finally on vacation - he's counting every minute!
We'll tease you with a teaser for the next chapter as soon as possible. :)
~ KaBrynn
Date: Dec 24, 2018 7:55 am Title: Chapter 38: Sunday, December 10th
What a huge gift for Christmas! Thank you!
They did it, finally, after all the teasing. Justin managed to get to top Brian and to leave him wanting more; good job Justin!
And BOB made a comeback; I love how Michael was trying to see the cage to everybody's surprise.
I hope Vic isn't too ill.
Gus is so funny with his imitations and Brian managed to put the "fuh" on Mel.
Justin's teaching manners to Michael: poor guy, he would lose his patience after 5min.
Some quotes I love:
- a newly hatched chick
- the inches had gone somewhere even more important
- "That was my spot!" (reminds me of Sheldon Cooper)
Author's Response:
Thanks for sticking with us, Claire! :) We're glad you liked our Christmas present. Five months of writing 'condensed' into one chapter, lol.
Our toppy blond definitely got the last word, this time anyhow. :D
Is it possible to teach Michael manners? I (Karynn) cracked up when I read YumYumPM's comment - that Gus has better manners.
BOB is quite the original character. :P We were saddened to have him meet his demise.
We always like to hear favorite moments and quotes - thanks for sharing yours. :) Looks like Dr Dave is giving Sheldon Cooper some competition. :D
~ KaBrynn

Date: Dec 24, 2018 4:17 am Title: Chapter 38: Sunday, December 10th
Another wonderful chapter. It's been much too long, but you've more than made up for it. Finding out that Michael was behind the vanishing BOB made a lot of sense. Putting it in Harley's cage made my day. Gus has better manners than Mikey. Love the dialogs with Gus and Harley. Fuh could mean anything. Adore Ben with Ted. Made this chapter really enjoyable.
Author's Response:
Thank you for not giving up on us, Phyllis! We're pleased you're still reading our story. :)
Great minds think alike, lol. When you made the suggestion about the dildo getting stuck behind the mattress, we'd already started writing that scene. And, of course, we intended that BOB would be discovered in Harley's cage.
Yikes! Kind of scary that a tot has better table manners than a supposed grown-up. :D A good way to go on a forced diet would be to watch Michael eat. :D
We're chuffed that you like Gus and Harley's interactions. There will be more. That you adore Ben with Ted makes our day; we want the pairing to be believable and appealing.
We've started the next chapter, but we've got a long ways to go. It won't be five months before we post, however. Those had better not be famous last words!
~ KaBrynn