Date: Jan 28, 2022 5:28 am Title: Chapter 33
Ah, beautiful! I'm so happy for them. The continue on the path they have taken. And all the positive experiences will give Justin strength and help him to rebuild confidence in himself. It's in his kiss! "Can I take you out for dinner?" - So happy for them!
Date: Dec 17, 2018 1:06 am Title: Chapter 33
Great chapter. Baby steps in the right direction, but we will take any steps that bring them back together. Love this caring Brian.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.
Date: Dec 13, 2018 11:32 am Title: Chapter 33
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.

Date: Dec 10, 2018 6:30 pm Title: Chapter 33
Brian leaving before he did something to ruin the tentative trust building between him and Justin was smart, they both need to deal with everything before they can be ready for physical, what the body craves the heart and mind aren't ready for just yet.
Brian using words and feelings that would normally make him cringe to show Justin that he is valued not for the endorphin rush but because what he and Brian shared outside of the bedroom meant more, Justin needs to see he has value because he is more precious than gold.
And Brian needs to see that he was always worthy of Justin because he loved the flaws aswell as the perfection, they didn't detract from how big Brian's heart is and that despite his words his actions shouted loudly.
Brian is going to take Justin on a date? Yes!!!!
Perhaps Brian and Justin can have New First That Just Involve Them, do all the things Brian thought was too hetero or couple like.
Brian is ready to embrace Change and Justin is ready to embrace Happiness.
Sounds like A Wonderful New Beginning For Both of Them :)
Thanks for the Update!
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.
Date: Dec 10, 2018 4:45 pm Title: Chapter 33
Amazing chapter! The way you write is so detailed that we can see what is happening and feel it as well. Brian is showing so much restraint and he is able to get his message through Justin's walls. So much sensuality is exuding from Brian's words. Wonderful job!
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.

Date: Dec 10, 2018 3:35 pm Title: Chapter 33
Love how Brian is reasuring Justin.
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.
Date: Dec 10, 2018 3:16 pm Title: Chapter 33
Holy shit! The first part of this chapter was pure poetry. Beautiful!
The second part was hot, lustful & sexy...yum! God! I can't wait until Justin is ready for Brian again, physically. Can we get a flashback maybe? Bottom Brian perhaps?
Author's Response:
Thanks, hon.