A year after Justin moved to New York Brian met someone else. Justin's life was no fairytale after that, until he started dating another man. Things might not be as good as Justin claims it to be.
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, Jennifer Taylor, Jenny Rebecca Marcus-Peterson, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Molly Taylor, Original Character, Original Female Character, Original Male Character
Tags: Abuse/Child Abuse, Brian/Other, Justin/Other, Mental Health Issues, Non-Consent, Post-series, Vulnerable Justin
Genres: Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Brian/Other, Emmett/Other, Justin/Other, Melanie/Lindsay, Michael/Ben, Ted/Blake
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 19004 Read Count: 4856
Seasons 1& 2 Hybrid with emphasis on the bashing and the recovery from it as I think it could have/ should have happened.
Initial Plot Bunny from Deb Tanner: What if Michael had tried to stop Brian from going into the prom and had witnessed the attack?
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Claire Kinney, Craig Taylor, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, David Cameron, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Ethan Gold, Father Tom Butterfield, Gardner Vance, George Shickel, Gus Marcus-Peterson, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, James Stockwell, Jennifer Taylor, Joan Kinney, Justin Taylor, Kenneth Reichart, Leda, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Molly Taylor, Original Character, Ted Schmidt, Vic Grassi
Tags: Abuse/Child Abuse, Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Michael, Bashing, Bottom Brian, Brian/Other, Drug Use - Recreational, Hatred, Homophobia, Justin/Other, Language, Mental Health Issues, Minor Character Death, Non-Consent, Non-Monogamous Pairings, Orgy (plays well w/others), Out of Character, Prostitution, PTSD, Rape, Real Life Issues, Self-Harm, Threesomes, Toppy Justin, Torture, Voyeurism
Genres: Alternate Canon, Angst, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Could be Canon, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Tragedy
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Brian/Justin/Other, Emmett/George, Justin/Other, Michael/David
Series: None
Chapters: 54 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 285482 Read Count: 244747
Spoilt little rich girl Lindsay Peterson gets everything she wants, when she wants it; but now she has something she doesn't want, a surprise half brother called Justin Taylor, who stands between her and their late father's estate. As well as getting her for a sister, Justin has another problem in the form of his best friend, Michael Novotny. They met in art class where Justin was a teacher's assistant, and became fast and best friends. One drunken night, however, they made a deal that if by the time Justin reached 28 and Michael 35 and if neither of them were in a relationship, they would marry. Speaking of marrying, Lindsay wants to marry her best friend, the gorgeous but repressed Brian Kinney...who Justin takes one look at and wants for himself - who will win? The sister? The brother? Or the wannabe lover?
Plot bunny by the lovely Cathy Sunderland - thank you!
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing, not a damn thing, no copyright infringement is intended whatsoever
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Original Character, Original Female Character, Original Male Character, Other Cast Regulars, Ted Schmidt, Vic Grassi
Tags: 100k+ Word Count, Abuse/Child Abuse, Anal Beads, Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Michael, Bisexual, Bottom Brian, Brain Bleach Recommended, Brian/Other, Celebratory Fuck, Coming Out, Drug Use - Recreational, First Time (Sex), Fluff, Friendship, Jealousy, Justin/Other, Masturbation , Mental Health Issues, Oral Sex, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Possessive, Raw Sex, Responsible Justin, Rimming, Sex Toys, Slow Burn, Toppy Justin, Vulnerable Brian, Vulnerable Justin
Genres: Angst w/ Happy Ending, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Porny, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Brian/Lindsay, Brian/Other, Emmett/Drew, Justin/Other, Other Cast Pairing, Ted/Blake, Ted/Emmett
Series: None
Chapters: 28 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 67984 Read Count: 40800
In 2015 Justin Taylor, acclaimed artist had a horse riding accident, he has been confined to a wheelchair ever since. He felt so guilt ridden about the injuries he caused to Zeus that he sent him away and hasn't seen him for 18 months. But that is about to change as Zeus is coming back into his life and bringing, amongst other things, Brian Kinney.What happens when the two very stubborn men meet? Can Brian persuade him to get back on the horse?
Disclaimer: I own nothing, not a damn thing, no copyright infringement is intended whatsoever.
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brandon, Brian Kinney, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Ethan Gold, Gus Marcus-Peterson, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Other Cast Regulars, Ted Schmidt
Tags: 100k+ Word Count, Allergies , Anal Beads, Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Michael, Bottom Brian, Brain Bleach Recommended, Brian/Other, Business Brian, Dirty Talk, Drug Use - Recreational, Family, Fluff, Friendship, Jealousy, Masturbation , Mental Health Issues, Oral Sex, PTSD, Raw Sex, Responsible Justin, Rimming, Sex Toys, Slow Burn, Toppy Justin, Vulnerable Brian, Vulnerable Justin
Genres: Angst w/ Happy Ending, Fix-it, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Porny, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Brian/Other, Emmett/Drew, Michael/Other, Other Cast Pairing, Ted/Blake
Series: None
Chapters: 42 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 102639 Read Count: 83928
Justin has a revelation during a visit to Pittsburgh. And then there's Molly's wedding.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended. The character of Steve Brenner is from the AU fanfic series ‘The Other Foot’ and belongs to its author, Simon.
Beta: No one but me.
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Molly Taylor, Original Character
Tags: Brian/Other, Justin/Other
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst
Pairings: Brian/Other, Justin/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 8350 Read Count: 747
The year is 2014. Just before gay marriages are voted as legal in the State of Pennsylvania, Brian runs a campaign pro-gay marriages. The aftermath lands him in a lot of trouble. The appearance of an old friend and their quick thinking saves him from prison. Is marriage worth it to save himself from prison? Especially when Justin is back in town after many years of absence.
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Evan Steele, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Jennifer Taylor, Jenny Rebecca Marcus-Peterson, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Molly Taylor, Original Character, Original Female Character, Original Male Character, Other Cast Regulars, Ted Schmidt, Tucker
Tags: Brian/Other, Business Brian, Canon Divergence, Dirty Talk, Homophobia, Infidelity, Justin/Other, M/M, Post-series
Genres: Alternate Canon, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Canon, Canon Divergence, Drama, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Porny, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Brian/Other, Justin/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 25 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 56888 Read Count: 22976
Flip a coin... any coin! But what happens when two sides of the same coin meet? Brian Kinney and Justin Taylor are about to find out. And what happens when the two aloof men find themselves breaking all of their self-imposed rules? Guaranteed mayhem!
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Claire Kinney, Craig Taylor, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Gardner Vance, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Jack Kinney, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, Jennifer Taylor, Joan Kinney, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Michael Novotny, Molly Taylor, Original Character, Ted Schmidt, Todd (Backroom), Tucker, Vic Grassi
Tags: Abuse/Child Abuse, Addiction/Alcoholism, Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Michael, BDSM, Bottom Brian, Brian/Other, Drug Use - Recreational, Homophobia, Justin/Other, Kink, Language, M/M, Mental Health Issues, Minor Character Death, Minor Violence, Non-Consent, Non-Monogamous Pairings, Orgy (plays well w/others), Out of Character, PTSD, Rape, Real Life Issues, Rimming, Role Play, Self-Harm, Substance Abuse, Threesomes, Toppy Justin, Voyeurism
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Brian/Justin/Other, Brian/Other, Debbie/Carl, Justin/Other, Melanie/Lindsay, Michael/Ben, Ted/Blake, Vic/Rodney
Series: None
Chapters: 17 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 98855 Read Count: 72368
A college boy, rejected by his gay professor, and unskilled in sexual matters, finds lessons in gay-male behavior in the backroom and orgy-room of "Rumors," a gay bar in Altoona, where his life is changed forever.
Through interactions with both positive and negative examples of the gay lifestyle, he is transformed from a solitary loner, unable to make the first move, into the Master of the Backroom at Babylon, as we know him in QAF.
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Original Male Character
Tags: Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Brian/Other, Drug Use - Recreational, Dubious Consent, Orgy (plays well w/others), Pre-series, Raw Sex, Unsafe Sex, Voyeurism
Genres: Angst, Drama, Porny
Pairings: Brian/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 66233 Read Count: 4220
What if there was more to the story behind Brian’s ‘first time’ in the shower with his gym teacher? What if there’s a darkness in his past that perhaps even his Sunshine can’t penetrate? And what if that darkness was suddenly exposed, tearing Brian’s life apart? Will Justin be able to hold them both together while Brian fights with the demons in his mind?
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor, Original Character, Other Cast Regulars
Tags: 10k+ Word Count, Abuse/Child Abuse, Brian/Other, M/M, Out of Character, Real Life Issues, Vulnerable Brian
Genres: Alternate Canon
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: None
Chapters: 22 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 87010 Read Count: 24087
Brian meets an irresistible man while on a business trip. To Brian's surprise, C.J. turns out to be more than a quick romp in a strange city. With his help, Brian starts the difficult task of recovering from Justin's departure.
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Original Male Character
Tags: Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Brian/Other, Unsafe Sex
Genres: Porny
Pairings: Brian/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 9079 Read Count: 726
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor, Original Male Character
Tags: Brian/Other, Justin/Other, Threesomes
Genres: Porny
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Brian/Justin/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 5402 Read Count: 334
Justin gets a new teacher his senior year of high school. Things take a dark turn after he starts a relationship with the man.
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brandon, Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor
Tags: Brian/Other, Canon Divergence, Hatred, Infidelity, Jealousy, Justin/Other, Violence
Genres: Alternate Canon, Angst, Drama, Mystery, Suspense/Thriller, Tragedy
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Brian/Other, Justin/Other, Melanie/Lindsay, Michael/Ben
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 10954 Read Count: 5588
Brian struggles to leave what happened in room 1213 behind him, and a scorned trick looks elsewhere for satisfaction. What if gapfiller for 1.05.
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Gus Marcus-Peterson, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, Lindsay Peterson, Marvin Telson, Original Male Character
Tags: 10k+ Word Count, Brian/Other, Dubious Consent, First Time (Sex), M/M, Prostitution, Raw Sex, Season 1, Underage Sex, Unsafe Sex, What if...
Genres: Angst, Could be Canon, Gap-Filler, Humor, Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: Ripples
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 18400 Read Count: 581
Brian struggles to leave what happened in room 1213 behind him, and a scorned trick looks elsewhere for satisfaction. What if gapfiller for 1.05.
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Gus Marcus-Peterson, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, Lindsay Peterson, Marvin Telson, Original Male Character
Tags: 10k+ Word Count, Brian/Other, Dubious Consent, First Time (Sex), M/M, Prostitution, Raw Sex, Season 1, Underage Sex, Unsafe Sex, What if...
Genres: Angst, Could be Canon, Gap-Filler, Humor, Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: Ripples
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 14057 Read Count: 866
Summary: Justin has started his freshman year at Pittsburgh University. To his chagrin, his roommate is none other than his secret high school crush - Brian Kinney. Sparks fly, and friendship evolves. Can Justin resist the temptation of his roommate and new best friend?
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Chris Hobbs, Craig Taylor, Daphne Chanders, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Other Cast Regulars
Tags: Brian/Other, Jealousy, Justin/Other
Genres: Alternate Canon, Angst, Drama
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: None
Chapters: 30 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 74989 Read Count: 32084
SEQUEL TO INTERSECT: After a horrific tragedy, Brian and his family must mourn and adjust to their new reality.
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Craig Taylor, Cynthia, Debbie Novotny, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, Jennifer Taylor, Jenny Rebecca Marcus-Peterson, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Molly Taylor, Original Female Character, Original Male Character, Ted Schmidt, Tucker
Tags: Abduction, Bisexual, Brian/Other, Coming Out, Death, F/M, Family, Friendship, Getting Back Together, HIV/Aids, Justin/Other, M/M, Major Character Death, Mental Health Issues, Minor Character Death, Other Character Death, Post-series, PTSD, Real Life Issues, Responsible Justin, Slow Burn, Violence, Vulnerable Brian, Vulnerable Justin
Genres: None
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Brian/Other, Emmett/Drew, Justin/Other, Michael/Ben, Other Cast Pairing
Series: Intersect Series
Chapters: 10 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 67584 Read Count: 13438
As Justin makes his way through the crowd in Herald Square, he sees a man who is almost a stranger to him now. *Officially up to date*
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Craig Taylor, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, Justin Taylor, Molly Taylor, Original Female Character, Original Male Character
Tags: Bottom Brian, Brian/Other, F/M, Justin/Other, M/M, Rape, Raw Sex, Real Life Issues, Self-Harm, Toppy Justin
Genres: Could be Canon, Drama, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Brian/Other, Emmett/Drew, Justin/Other, Melanie/Lindsay, Michael/Ben, Other Cast Pairing, Ted/Blake
Series: Intersect Series
Chapters: 53 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 426095 Read Count: 237973
During a business trip in LA, Brian takes a walk on the wild side when he encounters the Devil. What happens when they meet?
Categories: QAF US, Other Fandoms
Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor
Tags: Bottom Brian, Brian/Other, M/M, Minor Character Death, Season 2
Genres: Alternate Canon, Cross-Over, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Magical/Supernatural
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Brian/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 10182 Read Count: 885
Brian attends Justin's new opening.
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Daphne Chanders, Justin Taylor, Original Female Character, Original Male Character
Tags: Brian/Other, Canon Divergence, What if...
Genres: Angst, Canon Divergence
Pairings: Brian/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 7962 Read Count: 3025
Justin and Brian are enjoying their time in New York City. How will Brian deal with Justin being on a tour for six months.
When two men who belong together are forced to be apart there is trouble everywhere.
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Daphne Chanders, Emmett Honeycutt, Justin Taylor, Michael Novotny, Ted Schmidt
Tags: Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Bottom Brian, Brian/Other, First Time (Other), Justin/Other, Masturbation , Oral Sex, Phone Sex, Rimming
Genres: None
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: Can't Do Life Without You
Chapters: 16 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 94597 Read Count: 19492
Justin has to pick a surrogate in order to produce an heir and carry on the family line. The problem is, Craig isn't gonna be very happy with the one Justin actually does pick. Sort of post apocalyptic. Sort of weird. Totally AU. You’ll like it anyway, even if you won’t admit you like it.
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Chris Hobbs, Craig Taylor, Daphne Chanders, Justin Taylor
Tags: April Fools Day, Bottom Brian, Brian/Other, Dubious Consent, F/F, F/M, First Time (Sex), Hetero Sex, Justin/Other, M/M, MPreg (Yup! Went THERE!), Oral Sex, Orgy (plays well w/others), Out of Character, Rape, Raw Sex, Rimming, Sex Toys, Toppy Justin
Genres: Alternate Universe, Fantasy
Pairings: Brian/Justin/Other
Series: None
Chapters: 15 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 68107 Read Count: 38137
Justin and Brian are coming up on the 10th anniversary of the day they met. Justin plans an art show at Lindsey's gallery. Brian runs into a female lover from 20 years earlier. Brian remembers this love as he plans a surprise for their anniversary.
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor, Other Cast Regulars
Tags: Bottom Brian, Brian/Other, F/M, Oral Sex, Post-series, Responsible Justin, Rimming, Spanking
Genres: Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: Can't Do Life Without You
Chapters: 10 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 24067 Read Count: 21954

Moving forward from the disastrous conclusion of Season 5. Life goes on, and so must Brian and Justin, only not, perhaps, as either intended.
Categories: QAF US, Reader's Choice Award
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brandon, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Chris Hobbs, Claire Kinney, Craig Taylor, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Ethan Gold, Gus Marcus-Peterson, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, James Stockwell, Jennifer Taylor, Jenny Rebecca Marcus-Peterson, Joan Kinney, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Original Character, Original Female Character, Original Male Character, Other Cast Regulars, Ted Schmidt, Tucker, Vic Grassi
Tags: 100k+ Word Count, Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Anti-Melanie, Anti-Ted, Brian/Other, Drug Use - Recreational, Homophobia, Justin/Other, Post-series, Tearjerker, Violence
Genres: Angst, Could be Canon, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Suspense/Thriller
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Brian/Other, Emmett/Drew, Justin/Other, Michael/Ben, Ted/Blake
Series: None
Chapters: 61 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 794737 Read Count: 152174
Justin doesn't survive the bashing. One version of what might have happened.
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Jennifer Taylor, Michael Novotny, Original Female Character, Original Male Character
Tags: 10k+ Word Count, Bashing, Brian/Other, Death, Family, Major Character Death, Out of Character
Genres: Angst w/ Happy Ending, Canon Divergence, Drama, Hurt/Comfort
Pairings: Brian/Other, Michael/Ben
Series: None
Chapters: 10 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 30655 Read Count: 16564
AU/Crossover: QaF/NCIS! Pairings: Brian/Justin and Gibbs/Tony
Story is filled with both, canon and fictional events. Tony, who's in love with Gibbs, sees Gibbs with another man. The other man is secretly in love with a young man named Justin. Will Tony have a chance to win Gibbs' heart? And will the other man - Brian - win Justin's?
Our beta was loahisi
Categories: QAF US, Other Fandoms
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, Jenny Rebecca Marcus-Peterson, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Original Male Character, Other Cast Regulars, Ted Schmidt
Tags: 10k+ Word Count, Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Anti-Debbie, Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Michael, Babylon Bombing, Bashing, Brian/Other, Family, Friendship, Homophobia, Jealousy, Justin/Other, Minor Character Death, Other Character Death, Out of Character, Real Life Issues, Violence, Vulnerable Brian
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Cross-Over, Drama
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Brian/Other, Debbie/Carl, Emmett/Drew, Justin/Other, Melanie/Lindsay, Michael/Ben, Ted/Blake
Series: None
Chapters: 12 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 15154 Read Count: 21074