Tags: Thanksgiving
Other Results: 10 ePub eBooks, 1 Series

This is the long awaited...at least by some, sequel to The Funeral. It started as funny but seemed to go back and forth between that and drama. I hope you like it anyway. Thanksgiving with the Kinney-Taylor family with all the surprises it entails.

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney
Tags: Thanksgiving
Genres: Could be Canon
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: The Funeral Series
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 12850 Read Count: 618
[Report This] Published: Dec 25, 2022 Updated: Dec 25, 2022


Carving pumpkins for Thanksgiving, who'd a thunk? Add a bison, a yellow car, some advertising genius, former tricks and way too much turkey to the mix, and you end up with a gay holiday story.    

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, Jennifer Taylor, Jenny Rebecca Marcus-Peterson, Justin Taylor, Kiki, Leo Brown, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Molly Taylor, Original Male Character, Ted Schmidt, Tucker
Tags: Family, Fluff, Friendship, M/M, Post-series, Thanksgiving
Genres: Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort, Porny, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: Contortions
Chapters: 9 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 81933 Read Count: 5535
[Report This] Published: Nov 06, 2022 Updated: Nov 24, 2022



I apologize for the delay in getting my holiday story to you, but I hope you will still enjoy it.  It seems that Brian has a problem being around for Justin whenever a big holiday comes up. They've been living together for several years, and this year is the straw that broke the camel's back.  Brian again misses every holiday for the last few months of the year, so Justin decides it is time to do something about it.

Many thanks to my wonderful beta, Judy, for her skills, and my dear Granddaughter, Marika, for the lovely banner.

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor, Other Cast Regulars
Tags: Christmas, Family, Friendship, Halloween, New Year's Eve, Thanksgiving
Genres: Romance
Pairings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3960 Read Count: 823
[Report This] Published: Jan 16, 2019 Updated: Jan 16, 2019
Incentive by cookiebun Rated: M half-star [Reviews - 12]



Brian just needs the right incentive....

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Debbie Novotny, Justin Taylor
Tags: Anal Sex (Lots of it!), M/M, One-Shot, Oral Sex, PWP (Plot? What Plot?), Thanksgiving
Genres: PWP (Plot? What Plot?)
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1358 Read Count: 1700
[Report This] Published: Nov 20, 2017 Updated: Nov 20, 2017

Brian reviews the important holidays during the year. Written for Moonshadow's Taxed to the Max Challenge.

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor, Ted Schmidt
Tags: Christmas, Easter, Family, Halloween, New Year's Eve, One-Shot, Post-series, St. Patrick's Day, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day
Genres: None
Pairings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 1186 Read Count: 641
[Report This] Published: Dec 04, 2016 Updated: Dec 04, 2016

Michael insists on making Thanksgiving Day Dinner…

Categories: QAF US
Characters: None
Tags: Family, Humiliation, M/M, One-Shot, Thanksgiving, What if...
Genres: Could be Canon, Drama, Humor
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 2479 Read Count: 2274
[Report This] Published: Nov 25, 2016 Updated: Nov 25, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving to all my readers who are celebrating the holiday.  For those who don't, I still hope you have a wonderful week full of things and people to be thankful for.  


For this year's annual Thanksgiving story, we move forward in time to the second year after Justin has moved to New York City.  He and Brian see each other as often as they can, but it is far too seldom for either of them.  When Justin is invited to spend his second Thanksgiving away from Pittsburgh with Mel, Linds, and Gus in Canada he is happy to go thinking he'll see Brian there.  Brian himself crushes that dream.  But will Justin find himself having more to be thankful for than he thought he would?  Read on to find out.  Many thanks to Judy for her beta skills and Marika for the lovely banner.

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus
Tags: Thanksgiving
Genres: None
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3855 Read Count: 921
[Report This] Published: Nov 19, 2016 Updated: Nov 19, 2016

Brian decides to throw a Thanksgiving Day Dinner Party for all his loved ones three years after Justin has moved to New York City, but this is no ordinary party because Brian knows a number of secrets that will change everyones lives this Thanksgiving Day.


Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor, Other Cast Regulars
Tags: Thanksgiving
Genres: Could be Canon
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 4110 Read Count: 1650
[Report This] Published: Nov 19, 2016 Updated: Nov 19, 2016



Everyone knows that Brian Kinney does not do Christmas. 

What happens if he's forced?  Will things get weird?



Categories: QAF US
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Cynthia, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Jennifer Taylor, Jenny Rebecca Marcus-Peterson, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Ted Schmidt
Tags: Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Melanie, Anti-Michael, Christmas, Christmas Eve, Thanksgiving
Genres: Angst w/ Happy Ending, Humor
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Melanie/Lindsay, Michael/David, Ted/Blake
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 12349 Read Count: 3154
[Report This] Published: May 27, 2016 Updated: May 27, 2016

High school senior Justin Taylor has two passions in life: literature and Brian Kinney. Unfortunately for Justin, Mr. Kinney happens to be his English teacher at St. James Academy, making their relationship even more forbidden than Romeo and Juliet’s. After signing up as stage manager for the school’s holiday play, which Mr. Kinney is directing, Justin learns that his teacher’s life is more tragic than anything Shakespeare ever wrote. 

Categories: QAF US
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Brian Kinney, Chris Hobbs, Claire Kinney, Craig Taylor, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Jennifer Taylor, Joan Kinney, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Ted Schmidt, Vic Grassi
Tags: Addiction/Alcoholism, Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Anti-Michael, BDSM, Birthday, Coming Out, Drug Use - Recreational, Language, M/M, Minor Violence, Rimming, Slow Burn, Substance Abuse, Thanksgiving
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Drama, Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: None
Chapters: 48 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 118031 Read Count: 185546
[Report This] Published: May 05, 2016 Updated: May 07, 2016