Everyone has been placed in charge of their own lives. As Brian and Justin begin to design theirs, Michael and Lindsay are having to deal with what they wanted... just not the way they wanted it.
Again, a special THANK YOU goes out to Lorie, who I find an AMAZING person to know. I seriously couldn't do what I do without you. Love you!
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Brian Kinney, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, David Cameron, Debbie Novotny, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Gardner Vance, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Kiki, Leda, Lindsay Peterson, Marty Ryder, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Original Character, Original Female Character, Original Male Character, Other Cast Regulars, Rodney, Ted Schmidt, Tracy, Tucker, Vic Grassi
Tags: 10k+ Word Count, Canon Divergence
Genres: Alternate Canon, Alternate Universe, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Canon Divergence, Drama, Fix-it, PWP (Plot? What Plot?), Romance
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Emmett/Drew, Michael/Other, Other Cast Pairing, Vic/Rodney
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 11026 Read Count: 10017
New Plot Bunny Thread - Please post all your exciting plot bunny and story ideas here! Writers, feel free to adopt any bunnies that strike your fancy, just make sure to give the author credit! Happy Writing, all!
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brandon, Brian Kinney, Callie Leeson, Carl Horvath, Chris Hobbs, Claire Kinney, Cody Bell, Craig Taylor, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, David Cameron, Debbie Novotny, Dijon, Divina Devore, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Ethan Gold, Evan Steele, Father Tom Butterfield, Gale, Gardner Vance, George Shickel, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Hal, Jack Kinney, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, James Stockwell, Jennifer Taylor, Jenny Rebecca Marcus-Peterson, Joan Kinney, Justin Taylor, Kenneth Reichart, Kiki, Kip Thomas, Leda, Leo Brown, Lindsay Peterson, Loretta Pye, Marty Ryder, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Michelle, Molly Taylor, Mysterious Marilyn, Original Character, Original Female Character, Original Male Character, Other Cast Regulars, Peter, Randy, Robert, Rodney, Sam Auerbach, Sap aka Gary Saperstein, Scott, Ted Schmidt, Thea, Todd (Backroom), Tracy, Tucker, Vic Grassi
Tags: None
Genres: None
Pairings: None
Series: Plot Bunnies Galore
Chapters: 52 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 7257 Read Count: 45678
Justin's desperate for a bit of freedom, but it all hinges on an important test. On the other side of town, Brian's having a bad day, which leads him to the same place as Justin. What happens when they encounter each other?
What if the sighting under the lamppost wasn't actually the first sighting? ;)
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Marty Ryder, Original Male Character
Tags: Family, Friendship, Pre-series, Real Life Issues, What if...
Genres: Could be Canon, Drama, Humor
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 9282 Read Count: 1451
What happens when Brian is summoned for jury duty, only to find out, it’s in regard to a kid he slept with nine months prior?
This story is on an indefinite hiatus.
Categories: QAF US, Plot Bunnies
Characters: Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Chris Hobbs, Craig Taylor, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Marty Ryder, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Original Female Character, Ted Schmidt, Vic Grassi
Tags: Bashing
Genres: Alternate Canon
Pairings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 3055 Read Count: 993

Michael returns from Portland as a man on a mission. How is he going to respond when he finds out just how much things have changed? And will he finally figure out that it’s time to design his own life, instead of trying to plan Brian’s?
It’s decision time… and not only for Michael.
Again, a MAJOR shoutout goes to Lorie, who is helping me to endure the Committee of Whine and Coo at constant war in my head. And also to Cathy Sunderland (BritinManor) and Deb Tanner for the bunnies that is inspiring the continuation of this series. All of you ladies are AAAAaaa-MAZING!
Categories: QAF US, Plot Bunnies
Characters: Brian Kinney, Daphne Chanders, David Cameron, Debbie Novotny, Divina Devore, Emmett Honeycutt, Gardner Vance, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Kiki, Lindsay Peterson, Marty Ryder, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Original Character, Ted Schmidt, Todd (Backroom), Vic Grassi
Tags: 10k+ Word Count, Canon Divergence, Drug Use - Recreational, Established Relationship, Friendship, Jealousy, Language, M/M, Possessive, Real Life Issues, Responsible Justin, Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5, Voyeurism, What if...
Genres: Alternate Canon, Alternate Universe, Angst, Canon Divergence, Could be Canon, Drama, Fix-it, Humor
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Emmett/Other, Melanie/Lindsay, Michael/David, Ted/Other, Vic/Rodney
Chapters: 10 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 52484 Read Count: 43004

How will Mercury being in retrograde affect everyone? And what happens when secret plans are revealed?
**Part of a series of the same name, being done through a series of one-shots, short stories and novelettes.**
As always, Lorie, thanks for being my sanity.
Categories: QAF US, Plot Bunnies
Characters: Brian Kinney, Cynthia, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Gardner Vance, George Shickel, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Marty Ryder, Melanie Marcus, Original Character, Other Cast Regulars, Ted Schmidt, Vic Grassi
Tags: 10k+ Word Count
Genres: Alternate Canon, Alternate Universe, Angst, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Canon Divergence, Could be Canon
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Melanie/Lindsay
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 27540 Read Count: 20802
Ever wish you could be in two places at once? So did Brian Kinney. What with the demands from his new boss, the 'needs' of his "family" and his desire to spend time in his Sunshine, in the snowy vistas of Vermont, the Stud was about to lose it. Enter Doc Alex with an intriguing proposistion.
But there is a reason the age old adage 'be careful what you wish for' is so cliched.
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Brian Kinney, Cynthia, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Gardner Vance, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Justin Taylor, Kiki, Leo Brown, Marty Ryder, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Other Cast Regulars, Ted Schmidt, Vic Grassi
Tags: Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Michael, Bashing, Masturbation , Mental Health Issues, Orgy (plays well w/others), Role Play, Threesomes, Vacation, Voyeurism
Genres: Alternate Canon, Canon Divergence, Humor, Science Fiction
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Melanie/Lindsay, Michael/Ben
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents
Completed: No Word count: 5458 Read Count: 5365
What would have been different if someone had gotten their wish?
Based on a bunny from Deb Tanner - the giver of story ideas.
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Brian Kinney, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Justin Taylor, Kip Thomas, Lindsay Peterson, Marty Ryder, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Original Character, Ted Schmidt
Tags: Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Bottom Brian, Canon Divergence, Established Relationship, Jealousy, One-Shot, Possessive, Redeemed Behavior, Toppy Justin, What if...
Genres: Canon Divergence, Fantasy
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Melanie/Lindsay, Michael/Ben
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 9031 Read Count: 5037
I still can't believe this is my life. Two days ago I was the stud of Liberty Avenue and a successful adman, today... today I am a father. I still recall the words he whispered in my ear that night, as we all sat in Lindsay's hospital room: "You deserve to be loved Brian. Don't let anyone make you think you can't, don't let them win. Show them they are wrong"
I've dedicated all my life to show Saint Joan, Jack and every homophobe out there that underestimating me was a mistake. I became a successful businessman, being the head of the advertising department in Ryder's Advertising. I had the money, the looks, the gang and everyone wanted me... but I was still hallow.
I've proved them all wrong in everything, but one thing. I ended up believing their words, that I was unwanted, that no one will ever love me, that I was not desired, that I should have been aborted.
However, all that changed two days ago. When, I met a fallen angel under a streetlight, no matter how lesbian I sounded, to me that was true. Looking so innocent and pure, he was just asking for me to pick him up. I don't normally go for blonds, but I wanted to be in that world- that world of light- at least for a night.
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brandon, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Chris Hobbs, Craig Taylor, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Kiki, Leo Brown, Lindsay Peterson, Marty Ryder, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Molly Taylor, Original Character, Rodney, Ted Schmidt, Vic Grassi
Tags: Abduction, Anti-Michael, Cancer, Coming Out, F/F, F/M, Family, Friendship, Homophobia, Jealousy, M/M, Minor Character Death, Minor Violence, Possessive, Raw Sex, Responsible Justin, Season 1, Underage Sex, What if...
Genres: Angst w/ Happy Ending
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Melanie/Lindsay, Vic/Rodney
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 3773 Read Count: 3173

It's a different twist on how B/J met and the differences that follow. It's interesting how just one little change impacts the rest... -samcdee
On that fateful night when Justin stood under the lamppost and Brian took him home, what would have happened to them if events had not unfolded the way they did on the show?
Categories: QAF US, Admin Pick
Characters: Brian Kinney, Chris Hobbs, Craig Taylor, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Kip Thomas, Lindsay Peterson, Marty Ryder, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Ted Schmidt
Tags: 10k+ Word Count, Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Celebratory Fuck, Family, First Time (Sex), M/M, Oral Sex, Slow Burn, What if...
Genres: Alternate Universe, Drama
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: None
Chapters: 25 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 64271 Read Count: 176717
Justin is tired of his and Brian's "relationship." It seems Brian is merely experimenting with the concept of love - and that he, Justin, has been unwillingly cast in the role of a canary in a coal mine to test Brian's ability to be part of a couple. Meanwhile, Brian is struggling with the realization that buying Justin stuff like flowers and taking him on a trip to Vermont doesn't mean he's selling-out to the straight world. Will Brian figure it all out before Justin slips through his fingers? Canon compliant. The story is complete and has six chapters.
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Gardner Vance, Justin Taylor, Marty Ryder, Michael Novotny, Other Cast Regulars
Tags: Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Masturbation , Season 2, Sex Toys
Genres: Angst, Canon, Drama, Gap-Filler
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: None
Chapters: 6 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 19908 Read Count: 13518
Brian goes to Chicago, Justin goes to Vermont. Gap-Filler for Episode 2-17
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Emmett Honeycutt, Justin Taylor, Marty Ryder, Michael Novotny, Ted Schmidt
Tags: One-Shot, Season 2
Genres: Could be Canon, Drama, Gap-Filler
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: Season Two Stories
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 4007 Read Count: 1031
A weekend with Justin presents some challenges for Brian.
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Marty Ryder, Melanie Marcus
Tags: Bashing, Family, One-Shot, Season 1
Genres: Alternate Universe
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: Post Season One Finale Series
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 4770 Read Count: 1065
Three part story.
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Chris Hobbs, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Jennifer Taylor, Justin Taylor, Kip Thomas, Lindsay Peterson, Marty Ryder, Michael Novotny, Molly Taylor
Tags: Bashing, Family, Season 1
Genres: Alternate Universe
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: Post Season One Finale Series
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 15248 Read Count: 12981
Justin Turns Eighteen Part 1 of 2. Gap-filler for Episode 14.
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Brian Kinney, Daphne Chanders, Debbie Novotny, Emmett Honeycutt, Justin Taylor, Lindsay Peterson, Marty Ryder, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Original Male Character, Ted Schmidt, Vic Grassi
Tags: Anal Sex (Lots of it!), Birthday, Bottom Brian, Brian/Other, Justin/Other, Oral Sex, Season 1, Threesomes, Toppy Justin
Genres: Could be Canon, Gap-Filler
Pairings: Brian/Justin
Series: Season One Stories
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 7295 Read Count: 3111
Brian and Justin are going to relive their lives. This does contain Major Charater Death, but they return.
Thank you Lorie for Beta'ing this for me.
Thank you Shari for the beautiful banner.
Categories: QAF US
Characters: Ben Bruckner, Blake Wyzecki, Brian Kinney, Carl Horvath, Chris Hobbs, Claire Kinney, Craig Taylor, Cynthia, Daphne Chanders, David Cameron, Debbie Novotny, Divina Devore, Drew Boyd, Emmett Honeycutt, Gardner Vance, George Shickel, Gus Marcus-Peterson, Jack Kinney, James 'Hunter' Montgomery, James Stockwell, Jennifer Taylor, Jenny Rebecca Marcus-Peterson, Joan Kinney, Justin Taylor, Kenneth Reichart, Kiki, Leda, Lindsay Peterson, Marty Ryder, Melanie Marcus, Michael Novotny, Mysterious Marilyn, Original Character, Original Female Character, Original Male Character, Other Cast Regulars, Rodney, Sam Auerbach, Ted Schmidt, Todd (Backroom), Tracy, Tucker, Vic Grassi
Tags: Anti-Lindsay, Anti-Michael, Major Character Death, Post-series, Pre-series
Genres: Alternate Universe, Angst w/ Happy Ending, Drama, Fantasy, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Mythical
Pairings: Brian/Justin, Other Cast Pairing
Chapters: 70 Table of Contents
Completed: Yes Word count: 167557 Read Count: 506829